The way is finally free for a reboot at the Berlin Institute for health research (BIG), one of the most important prestige projects of the Berlin science. The Institute is integrated in the Charité, the Federal government is rising for the first time directly in the basic funding of a University hospital with a high million amount. On the design of a corresponding administrative agreement between the Federal government and the Land Berlin have now been agreed, confirmed a spokesman for the Senate office for science.
The BIG will become a “third pillar” of the Charité in addition to the Medical faculty and the medical care by the hospital. Since the founding of the Institute in the year 2013, the existing promotion will be permanent. This year, the BIG will receive 75 million euros from the Federal government and the eight million by the Land of Berlin, where the sum may, in the future also rise. First, the “Berliner Zeitung had reported,” on Friday on the conclusion of the months long negotiations.
leadership squabbles of the Institute shall be dissolved
the main task of The BIG is the “translational”: advances in basic research are translated into better therapies. So BIG-researchers and researchers are already working on it, diseases of the heart, can vessels, and cancers of the nervous system to heal better. The Foundation stone for the new beginning of the BIGs had been placed as reported already last June. At that time, the Supervisory Board decided to launch an Integration of the Institute of the Charité. This year long leadership squabbles of the institution should be dissolved.
the reason for the Cross was the complicated construction of the BIG. The million-dollar Federal aid for Berlin’s health research was the first to be organized only on the non-University, Max-Delbrück-Centrum (MDC), parts of the research of the Charité and the MDC had to merge with the Foundation. In the result, the BIG acted as the “mother” of the Charité and the MDC – which turned out to be from the point of view of the Charité, the relations are completely on the head.
The Federal government feared that the Charité could. the Central purpose alienate
Only with a fundamental change in the law in 2015, the direct financing of a University institution by the Federal government was possible This Option is now applied for the first time in Germany, and a science politically ground-breaking decision. The Joint science conference of the Federal government and the countries of the agreement must agree to it. The Max-Delbrück-Centrum (MDC) should be in the future, “privileged Partner” of the BIG.
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the Berlin Institute for health research, A new beginning for BIG
Tilmann Warnecke Sascha Karberg Amory Burchard
The negotiations dragged on also because of concerns on the Federal side in the length, the Charité could alienate the Federal funding and support for the patient care purpose. Federal Minister of research, Anja Karliczek (CDU) had as an Alternative, a decoupling of the BIG by the Charité and the MDC to check what was already in November 2018 from the table. The concern should now be to the effect that the BIG is integrated of scientific research in the Charité, but a private economic plan.