“The bird is released”. It is with this tweet that billionaire Elon Musk announced this Friday, October 28, his official purchase of Twitter, the social network whose symbol is a blue bird. After months of discussions and tensions, Elon Musk finally got his hands on the American giant for 44 billion dollars. This is the sum he had proposed last April, and which had been accepted by the board of directors, before the buyer withdrew, accusing the company of having lied to him about the number of existing fake accounts. . Eventually, for fear of losing Twitter’s lawsuit, Musk decided to honor his original pledge.

According to CNBC and the Washington Post, he has already made his mark by firing Twitter boss Parag Agrawal, chief financial officer Ned Segal and chief legal officer Vijaya Gadde. Since June, more than 700 employees have left the Californian group, worried about the ideological evolution of the company. Indeed, Musk intends to make this social network a platform at the service of freedom of expression, for example by relaxing the moderation of content. “It is important for the future of civilization to have an online public square where a wide variety of opinions can debate in a healthy way, without resorting to violence”, he wrote in a message specifically addressed to brands, which bring in the bulk of Twitter’s revenue. This Thursday, he tempered his remarks, saying he did not want Twitter to become “an infernal platform”.