A guard at the Storcenter Nord shopping mall in Aarhus alerted Thursday at 18.10 east Jutland Police, when he had seen a young man walking around with a gun promoting in the big shopping centre only a few hundred metres from Aarhus University.

It writes the east Jutland Police in their most recent sample daily report.

the Sight of the young man had in nature, created a lot of insecurity among several of the merchants and citizens at the centre. There was thus quickly sent a patrol to the site, and a few minutes after getting the contact for the young man, who sat with two friends on a bench inside the mall.

They were all asked to lie down flat on your stomach, after which they were eligible. In the waistband of a 15-year-old boy sat there a airsoft-gun free promotion. He was therefore arrested and charged with disturbing the public order by creating the sense of insecurity with the gun. the

The 15-year-old explained that he felt threatened by some different persons, and that, therefore, he went with a gun that could be scary. the

After a trip to the police station in Aarhus, the boy was driven home, and the social authorities were informed.