companies with more than 100 employees will have to check whether they pay men and women the same. It wants to keep the Commission for science, education and culture of the Council for the time being. It rejects a state initiative of the Canton of Geneva.

This requires further-reaching measures: The cantons should have the right to check the compliance with the equal pay itself. In addition, you should be able to equal pay, together with the social partners to actively implement. The Council of States Commission, closed mind, as it says in a statement of parliamentary services on Tuesday.

There was no need for legislative action: the cantons already had a certain room for manoeuvre. On the other, the councils have decided in the winter session of the obligation to conduct a pay equity analysis. Thus, the main objective of the initiative is to be met, it is said in the message. (fal/sda)

Created: 12.02.2019, 17:39 PM