Flows of money from Bern or not flowing? The Canton of Zurich expects that the Federal government assumes part of the total costs of 1.1 billion Swiss francs for the planned rose garden tram, as well as for tunnel construction. This in the framework of the agglomeration programme, with the “difficult-to-Finance” transport projects in cities and agglomerations is supported. So far, the Federal government has been involved in similar projects in the amount of 30 to 40 percent of the total cost. In the case of the rose garden, the sum of between 330 and 440 million Swiss francs would be. The proponents refer, respectively, when the tunnel opponents criticize the high cost.

the cat in The bag

However, the Zurich electorate will not know in the looming referendum, how much money the Federal government ultimately is going to speak and whether or not at all. The Parliament in Bern is located only in mid-2023, on the request of Zurich, the Swiss Federal office for spatial development (ARE) confirmed on request. The cost discussion is likely to be in the vote fight one of the decisive factors. Not alone left, green circles that are also a part of the bourgeois camp expresses concern, because by the multi-billion dollar projects is a small road piece of about 600 meters between the Wipkinger and the buchegg just space from motorised private transport is exempt.

In Bern will depend on the decision of the National – and Ständeräte in the first instance, whether the Federal Council recommends that the large-scale project to support. Still this is not sure. Therefore, the test report of the Federal government that dated from the autumn of 2018. In it, the ARE referred to the maturity level as “still insufficient”. This applies not least for the design of the tunnel portals. Also, the Canton has to the cost-Benefit ratio “in Detail” to prove, especially with a view to the rose garden tram. As it says in the report, creates the Tunnel with the “considerable relief of the rose garden street, a very large urban potential”. The Canton show, however, “not sufficient”, that “settlements are planned-side measures”.

that’s Why the Federal government has promoted the project on its prioritization scale provisionally withdrawn, contrary to the Zurich-based application. This means that The Canton has to submit it again. It will then be in competition to many other projects; currently, several hundreds of requests are on the list, including a handful of big projects waiting.

The economy Directorate of Carmen Walker Späh (FDP) is therefore not an obstacle. Because in the past, numerous other approaches for the rose garden, is according to the assessment by Walker Spähs a as early as possible a political decision. It is also common for such projects in a timely manner in the Federal register. The Ministry of economic Affairs is reminiscent of the construction of the limmattal rail. Here, too, the Federal government had spoken of his financial involvement only after the verdict of the Zurich voting people. By 2023, the project will have a sufficient level of planning, assured the Directorate. “The Canton of Zurich is confident that he will be taken into account by the Federal appropriate.”

free intimate must expropriate

inconvenience could well be on the FDP-member of the cantonal government. In the case of road construction projects, the General welfare above the private property. Carmen Walker Späh is forced to expropriate several house owners. Affected by a possible crash today, according to twelve building. The two are in a prominent location on the Baden road directly from the Albisriederplatz.

the corner house with the Züri Bistro on the ground floor, as well as ten rental apartments on the upper floors. To the adjoining property to the town center. In addition, must give way to the roses ibach street in Wipkingen is a multi-family house as well as the rose garden street, a three-part complex of houses of the construction project. At Bucheggplatz meet the flower delivery shop. And at the Milchbuck there are two blocks with a total of 31 apartments, which belong to the Swiss Life investment Foundation.

The Ministry of economic Affairs has informed about things in advance, the affected owners in the early summer of 2016 in the framework of the public plan edition; a year later, they have been the letter set on the “may” expropriation of their property. The planning would be carried out with the involvement of the house owners, explained to the Canton. Walker Späh expressly points out that the house owner could use the land, “albeit as a smaller area”. This allows for “attractive new construction projects”. Property owners, with whom the TA has spoken to, do not want to comment at this time. “Wait, and the political process”, is it about the Swiss Life.

demolition and expropriation are expensive. For land acquisition, land stresses, for example, for Installation sites, as well as for further compensation of 86 million Swiss francs have been set. For the demolition of 1.5 million Swiss francs in the total budget.

the appeal of VCS

Not only houses need to make the mega project. Also of urban recreation space is eliminated. A part of the irchel Park is concreted over point in favour of a tram stop. Whether or not the lost green space is to be made to the extent of 3000 square meters at a location other betting, is uncertain.

the end of the month the member of the Parliament is likely to vote for the rose garden project, definitely. Also, a majority of the red-and-green city of Zurich government with Corine Mauch (SP) at the top is up to now behind it. The VCS will take against the Referendum. The earliest date for the survey of the voting citizens and voters is a citizen of the 1. September, and the next would be the 24. November. Law and credit are once in power, the economy Directorate, may – “in the optimum case,” – Carmen Walker Späh in five to six years, take the shovel in the Hand for the groundbreaking ceremony.


Created: 03.03.2019, 21:49 PM