In Zurich, around 100’000 people belonging to an Islamic community. For comparison: 433’000 for the residents of Zurich are reformed, 391’000 Catholic. These Muslim organisations are not recognised by the Constitution.

This means that the state has no handling to turn itself on, when, on the existing laws, in his opinion something is going wrong. And the communities can count on no support from the state, even if they render performance for the benefit of society as a whole.

More tolerance, less prejudice

The government now wants to clarify the relationship of these non-recognized religious communities. The Directorate of justice and home Affairs (JHA) has churches commissioned a study that shows communities the Situation of this religion, to which also the Orthodox, who include Buddhists and Hindus.

this Morning, councillor Jacqueline Fehr (SP), together with the study of Martin Baumann from the Religious studies Seminar of the University of Lucerne, and Hans-jörg Schmid from the Swiss centre for Islam and society at the University of Freiburg heads presented the results.

The focus was on the Muslim communities, which are perceived by the Public to the most controversial. The study shows: The financial support by the state is not in the foreground. “It is important that social acceptance is, above all,” notes Baumann. “The investigation shows that the Muslims want especially to show more tolerance and prejudice suffer.”

professional contact

“We must strengthen the back, are interested in a good, binding cooperation with us,” said Fehr. And wants to take the government in two areas that promise the greatest leverage: The umbrella organizations to strengthen and care for people more form.

In both areas, the study identifies the need for action. The Federation of Islamic organization in Zurich (VIOZ), which represents eighty percent of the mosques in Canton, just a twenty percent doped office can afford. It is not enough to be a prominent and competent point of contact for public and private place.

“is causing The for all Involved, frustrations, and misunderstandings”, is Fehr is convinced. The state had to be here when the establishment and Development of appropriate structures to assist.

Friday sermon in English

In the case of the embodiments of the Muslim clergy, the imams are in the foreground. The study shows that 45 per cent of the Muslim caregivers have a high school degree and two-thirds of the imams hold the Friday sermon in English or in German. “This high number was a surprise to us,” says study leader Schmid.

The interest in training was just the imams, but is offered for you currently, in Switzerland, not a theological-religious training. Here, the Canton wants to be active. “A solid Knowledge is important,” says Fehr. It is also important that the Muslim clergy of this can acquire in the Canton. “So they are in our culture at home and in the spirit of the enlightenment, also accept.”

pastoral care in hospitals

In the pure pastoral care exists since 2017 is already a training course that is a promising start. Is supported by the Association of quality assurance of the Muslim chaplaincy in public institutions (Quams), for example in hospitals or nursing homes. Quams is supported by the JI and the VIOZ.

According to Lewin Lempert, project leader of the JI, the demand is greater than expected. The graduates are per month between twenty and shall always be grateful to in use. “Assumed we are in and the stakes are ten.” Quams has taken since the summer of 2018, the Muslim asylum pastoral care in the Zurich Federal asylum centres, because the Federal government stopped this offer.

rights and obligations rules

The ratio of the non-recognized religious communities should also be clarified on the legal level. The JI will launch in the summer of a corresponding process. “We need to create the legal bases for life,” says Fehr. It is pre-interested, the state, in order to strengthen their own authority.

A step further, the legally recognised religious communities, a construct that exists in the current Form since 2005. This Catholic Corporation include, in addition to the Evangelical reformed Church and the Roman, the Christian Catholic Church, as well as two Jewish communities.

This Constitution, and legal recognition allows, for example, a support of the religious communities in the Collection of the taxes or financial compensation for activities with overall importance to society.

Created: 19.11.2019, 17:32 PM