The uncontrolled Polish meat ended up this time just on the friskolors plates. Approximately 45 of the Stockholm 175 municipal schools buy food from måltidsentreprenörer. Two schools have Klein’s Kitchen skolmatsleverantör but they served not the flesh.
the Rest of the 130 public schools are ordering foods from centrally contracted suppliers. Frozen and fresh meat is bought by two merchants in Stockholm.
the Management of the much talked about meat in Poland, was revealed in a tv-reportage. Photo: TVN24
” None of them have bought meat from the Polish producer. We have continuous contact with our suppliers to ensure that they are working according to the city’s requirements, Liselothe Engelgren, upphandlingschef on serviceförvaltningen.
annually, food and meals for the 600 million according to the upphandlingsmyndighetens sustainability criteria for food. To stop the meat from Poland or any other EU country is not possible.
We must not require only Swedish meat, for then we violate the law. Our procurement is so great that we must advertise in the entire EU. However, we have high demands on the quality of the meat to minimize the risk to get into the bad meat.
Livsmedelskraven means, among other things, that the meat shall be traceable by origin, salmonellafritt and that antibiotics should be used only after prescription by a veterinarian. The requirements also apply to transport and slaughter methods. In practice, this means among other things that the pig meat from Denmark is ported from the municipal schools.
” We ask, inter alia, very high demands pork that makes it not possible to buy Danish pork. They are working with the systematic tail docking and it does not want to, we ask ourselves behind. So you can work with the quality standards to remove the worst options.
half of the food purchased be organic and in the spring tightens around the requirements further. Then shall the meat – and poultry – and dairy products to be in line with the Swedish animal welfare legislation is stricter than in many EU countries. But to stop systematically cheating as in the case of the Polish slaughterhouse is more difficult.
” You can never completely protect yourself from matfusk. But we have definitely learned that we need to continue to work with follow-ups with our suppliers and ensure that they follow their internal procedures for the control of the producers, ” says Liselothe Engelgren.
the Meat from Polish slaughterhouse have been collected for destruction by the Nfa. Photo: Nfa
as delivered, the Polish meat has now completely gone over to the Swedish and nordic meat and shall review their suppliers ‘ quality procedures. The 87 uncontrolled kilos had strimlats the bottom of a large batch of Polish chuck steak on a total of 1.100 kg. Therefore, it is impossible to know on whose plate shreds has ended up.
” We know nothing about this meat except that it’s not verified, but we have not received reports that anyone has become sick. There can be bacteria and viruses in the meat that you can become infected by, but it only applies if you eat raw meat. The risk is small if you have cooked the meat in the right way in school canteens, ” says Louise Nyholm, statsinspektör on the Nfa.
of the total Of 297 kg of which ended up in Sweden has 100 kilos, ending up. The rest of the meat have been collected for destruction and will be incinerated.
Read more: the 26 schools served the Polish meat