“The concern in Europe when the united states leaves the disarmament agreements”

“the united states is leaving the INF treaty on mutual nuclear disarmament agreement reached with Russia during the cold war. It is bad news – especially for Europe which are in the front line, according to an expert.”

“It is usually described as a ground breaking milestone which contributed to ending the cold war. But now, it seems that the days of the so-called INF treaty, which was concluded between the united states and the then Soviet union in 1987, to be counted.”

“the Agreement regulated the parties’ use of medeldistansrobotar in Europe – but the united states believes that Russia has violated the agreement in many years, and announces that it is going ahead with its earlier threats to pull out.”

“Washington DC had put Moscow ahead of a 60-day ultimatum to destroy the robot system Novator 9M729, as the united states, unlike Russia believes the breach of the agreement. But now, says Donald Trump to the united states on Saturday will commence the process to withdraw from the contract. The decision will become a reality in about six months if Russia will not destroy any equipment that violates the agreement before then, according to the american president.”

” I think that many have forgotten how important the INF treaty was to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world. That the united states leaves the agreement, it is really bad news, in particular for Europe, ” says Dan Smith, head of the peace research institute Sipri, TT.”

“the German foreign minister Heiko Maas has in recent weeks been traveling between Moscow and Washington, D.C., to try to save the agreement, but also stressed on Friday that Russia has violated the terms and conditions.”

“– An agreement that the two countries have agreed on, and which one party, the ago has violated, is de facto annulled, noted Maas on the way to a meeting with EU foreign ministers in Bucharest.”

“Without an agreement in place, there is a risk to both Russia and the united states are based more kärnvapenrobotar than what they had done otherwise, according to Jan Hallenberg, project leader at the institute of Foreign affairs.”

“– Then the strategic situation less stable. In extension, it is far away but still, increases the risk of nuclear war, ” he says.”

“scrapped the INF agreement does not, however, the worst scenarios become reality, underlines Dan Smith. But it opens the door for the possibility. However, it is difficult to know what to expect before it is clear what are the steps that Moscow and Washington DC choose to take in the future.”

“– if the agreement is terminated, it may, in the short-term mean kärnvapenkapprustning and confrontation. There is nothing I predict, but it is possible that we will see medeldistansrobotar in Europe in the coming years, ” he says.”

“– It creates the excitement and the complicated relationships between the parties. I do not understand why anyone would want to turn the clock back to the cold war.”

“the INF treaty (where the letters stand for the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces, medeldistanskärnvapen) was concluded in 1987 between the US and the erstwhile Ussr.”

“the Agreement is that all medeldistansrobotar with ranges between 500 and 5 500 km should be abolished and has run in parallel with different versions of the start treaty on nuclear disarmament, which was concluded in 1991.”

“In the middle of October last year, announced president Donald Trump to the united states to withdraw from the agreement. “