After the Taliban attack on an intelligence base in Afghanistan, with many dead, the population is less and less of their own government. The people hope for peace in the country.

By Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD-Studio, New Delhi

The attack of the Taliban on the military base in the Wardak province is the subject in the daily Newspapers in the kiosks of the Afghan capital, Kabul. Four attackers had managed to place a heavily guarded training center for Afghan security forces to rubble and killing many soldiers. According to official data, 36 security forces are killed and about 60 were injured. Other sources speak of a significantly more Victims.

residents want genuine peace

disappears After this demonstration of power of the Taliban the confidence of the Afghan population in the ability of the government to ensure security in the country. Ahmad Shah, a resident of Kabul, says: “Around 100 people were killed there, and no one does anything about it. If we have no peace in Afghanistan, how should we build ordinary people and then our country?” For the politicians it was all just a game, but the residents wanted a genuine peace and a future for the country.

there are for months, efforts to end the war in Afghanistan in a political way. The United States and the Taliban leadership in Qatar, have already come together many times to discussions.

“What the Taliban really want?”

As to the fit because, not only asks the Afghan military expert, Mirza Mohhamad Yarman, the former Deputy Minister of the interior. “The drive a with the explosives Laden vehicle base in a military, blow the Whole thing up in the air and kill so many people. Makes you wonder what the Taliban really want?” If someone has to govern, or the government involved wants to be, he could not kill the people.

The Taliban are terrorizing the country still.

Taliban leadership in talks with U.S.

In Qatar met in the past few days the US special envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, with the Taliban leadership to a further round of talks. The Meeting was apparently only came into existence because the United States agreed to set the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan on the agenda. You must take into account the positions of all parties, had Khalilzad declared in advance of the meeting.

The Taliban have to be to direct talks with the Afghan government, he said in an Interview with Afghan television station TOLO News. So far, you reject this.

U.S. special envoy Khalilzad met with Taliban leadership.

The Taliban have made a mistake, says Khalilzad, as they did not want to talk with the Afghan government delegation. All at the Meeting, the countries involved were unhappy with this decision and would have reacted to it very negatively. If the Taliban really wanted peace, then there is no way around lead to the fact that they put the government to the table.

Different observers assume, however, that the Taliban are less of a compromise since the announcement of the United States, to reduce their troops in Afghanistan may be ready. US President, Trump had brought Considerations of a withdrawal a few weeks ago into the conversation. The U.S. government stop to think about it, had confirmed Vice-President Mike Pence.

fear of Power of the Taliban

The US special envoy Khalilzad did not affirm in the Afghan television, the United States left Afghanistan in the lurch: If the Problem in Afghanistan will not be solved and the war is going on, then you would remain on the side of the Afghan people and the government of Afghanistan, says Khalilzad.

Should withdraw the United States from Afghanistan and other foreign troops in the country – including the armed forces, which is involved with up to 1300 soldiers on the training mission, Resolute Support, then, do so many fear the Taliban return to Power in Afghanistan.

women are afraid of losing freedoms

in particular, many women fear that the achievements of the past years could be turned back. Under the rule of the Taliban between 1996 and 2001, women were not allowed to work and had to wear on the street Burka. Since then, many women were able to make, especially in Kabul, in training and in one’s own Job, own money. However, in the talks with the Taliban about a peace in Afghanistan, the concerns of women might be sacrificed slightly to the larger political goal.

Afghanistan – reactions to attack of the Taliban
Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD New Delhi
23.01.2019 12:16 PM

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