“The continued fragmentation of the Conservatives on the SD”

“KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor’s doorway towards the SD has put new light on the tensions in the Conservatives.”

“In Skåne want to do the same thing while the moderate party in Stockholm want to continue to keep the door closed.”

“– Her information has increased the expectations on us to come up with something equivalent, though in practice, we live already for it in one way or another, ” says Lars-Ingvar Ljungman, chair of Skåne.”

“He thinks that the Conservatives shall give the same notice as Ebba Busch Thor.”

“– I have thought a long time, but at the same time I respect that others don’t feel the same as I am.”

“One of them is Anna König Jerlmyr (M), mayor and leader of the kommunfullmäktigegruppen in Stockholm. She doesn’t want to party take the same step as the KD.”

” I think that Ulf Kristersson has landed well when he says that we can converse with all parties, but not to actively cooperate or to negotiate. Then, there are different opinions in the party, but I agree with the line that he is.”

“the party Leader himself would like to downplay the importance of Ebba Busch Thor’s reply:”

“– Have we not said about the same thing roughly? I have said ever since this peculiar formation of the government that the whole of this idea to be possessed by a party and that we have devoted five years ’time talking about the sweden democrats, an entire campaign, an entire formation of governments and finally a government that is only welded together by The sweden democrats, I’m not going to continue,” says Ulf Kristersson.”

” I’m not going to isolate any party, I’m not going to pretend that there are seven parties when there are eight. Do they think the same as we, so will we to vote the same and would love to talk about it also. We think different so we are going to vote different, and likely not have as much to talk about, ” he says.”

“– But I have no need to negotiate a position that only Conservatives have with anyone else who doesn’t think the same thing and we will be in a small minority that does not change anything in reality, it is pretty pointless to do.”

“HH: So her vengeance was pointless?”

“– It says I do not. I said it is not dramatic, it is just the way we relate already. I’m not going to devote four years to dance around The sweden democrats, ” says Ulf Kristersson.”