“The country’s walkways, poorly equipped for the slip”

“Slippery material and difficult to snöröja – sidewalks and walkways are poorly designed for us to be able to stand on his legs in ice and slush. The knowledge base is not adequate on how to best avoid painful and costly slips.”

“Every year, damaged thousands of swedes when they go on slippery and icy walkways. A jätteproblem, like Anna Niska, head of research at the Swedish national road and trafikforskningsinstitut, and Anna Carlsson, project leader and researcher in the biomechanics and injury prevention at Chalmers university of technology.”

“Pedestrians are a forgotten group among road users – halkskadorna affects mainly the elderly and women, says the. Much of the work the Swedish transport administration has done to reduce traffic accidents is about reducing the damage caused by motor traffic, but so far not so much attention has been paid to all that goes on foot.”

“But there will be change in the. The Swedish transport administration has gångtrafikanterna in its new strategy.”

“There is a lot to do.”

“– There are different types of obstacles to effective snow removal. For example, curbs, narrow passages and sharp turns, ” says Anna Niska.”

“But it is also about materials. As it looks now on the many walkways, it is a mixture of asphalt, paving stone and different types of tiles.”

“– the Mixture of materials makes it difficult to snöröja and there is a big variety when it comes to how slippery they are, ” says Anna Niska.”

“paving stone and hard stone slabs tend to be very halast,” she says. But there are also other halkfällor.”

“– road Markings such as the white lines on pedestrian crossings, gatubrunnar in the metal and some other types of smooth, hard material can also be especially slippery.”

“It can be difficult for snow ploughs and machines to adapt the removal of the snow to the different materials, and it is also difficult for the one who goes to know where it is, in particular!.”

“of Road design are also important.”

“– There are different types of barriers, narrow passages and sharp turns. It will also be very difficult with snow removal.”

“For example, you have decided that there should only be one metre without kerbs on walkways, at pedestrian crossings, for the visually impaired to be able to feel.”

“– But it is not possible to snöröja on such a narrow passage with machinery, ” says Anna Niska.”

“Anna Carlsson thinks that we should think thoroughly about how the traffic looks. An example is just trottoarkanterna. Sure, they are probably good for water drainage and for the visually impaired, but there are perhaps better solutions.”

“– I have found articles telling you that we have had curbs in 4 000 years, already in Pompeii. But I think you should ask why it looks like it does and if it must be so, ” she says.”

“Anna Carlsson has also explored the heated streets means by comparing the streets of several Swedish cities with and without heating. The result was very clear: on the streets, which are fitted with heating coils, there was a decrease of injuries from falls dramatic.”

“Both think that the awareness and knowledge of how to build to prevent slipping for pedestrians is too small. It has simply not been a priority area for research.”

“– what if we could get a lecture for architects on this. Often is the look more important, and the knowledge about the materials halkegenskaper is low, ” says Anna Niska.”

“the Swedish transport administration has developed a strategy for safer pedestrian traffic,”

“Every year damaged about 3 500 pedestrians seriously injured in fall accidents in the traffic environment, and it affects largely women and the elderly”

“the Dmv mentions a number of priority areas for pedestrians and slipping, which safe design of walking infrastructure, operation and maintenance and safe winter shoes and smart protection.”