We should have a dialogue with the affected municipalities to see if they make through the co-financing can help to advance the projects, ” says finanslandstingsrådet Irene Svenonius (M).

The blue-green majority has ruled that the Stockholm Region in 2019 to examine the conditions to bring forward the investment in the 2017 year Sverigeförhandling through talks with relevant municipalities on the opportunity to advance. Tomas Eriksson (MP), environment and kollektivtrafikslandstingsråd, think it would be very positive for the Stockholm region.

Read more: Spårsatsning for 30 billion to provide 100,000 new homes

“We want to bring forward the construction of the light Rail south, commuter Train and t-bana Fridhemsplan–Älvsjö with a few years,” he says.

for projects like this:

• T-bana Odenplan– Arenastaden, finished in 2024.

• T-bana Barkarby, finished in 2024.

• subway Nacka-southern suburbs, ready 2026-2027.

• light Rail south, completed in 2034.

• T-bana Fridhemsplan-Älvsjö, finished in 2035.

• the Train in the tunnel via Odenplan to Pohjola, finished in 2037.

– We’ll get a third leg when we become region – coordination responsibility for regional planning. We will much more clearly become the Stockholm voice in the requirements at the national level. The congestion charges that goes to infrastructure investments is the money, ” says Irene Svenonius.

, she says, to regionpolitikerna is elected by the länsborna while the provincial government – which until the new year has the responsibility for, among other things länsplanen for infrastructure – is a government authority.

“We want to, with some humility, to be the mayor of the county to the state level, the region’s collective voice,” says Irene Svenonius.

Landstingsråden Gustav Hemming (C), Irene Svenonius (M), Thomas Eriksson (MP), Ella Bohlin (KD) and Anna Starbrink (L). Photo: Lisa Mattisson

In the last week, she and the other group leaders in the landstingsmajoriteten the Stockholm chamber of commerce, to hear what problems they see in the region.

Now want to see a massive investment in the expansion of the metro.

– Stockholm, sweden has lost some ground in several areas, but we are at the forefront when it comes to public transport. Now want to see a massive investment in the expansion of the metro, ” says Chamber of commerce ceo Andreas Hatzigeorgiou.

Gustav Hemming argues that the state’s contribution to infrastructure in Stockholm must increase.

– In länsplanen is at 8.5 billion that will be enough to 2029. We can’t have it both skatteutjämning, where Stockholm is the only county that pays, and a state of under-financing of infrastructure in Stockholm, ” he says.

In the preface to länsplanen wrote the then county governor Chris Heister to the need for investment was 200 billion.

According to Andreas Hatzigeorgiou and the Chamber of commerce is the Stockholm bottlenecks, labour shortages, housing, traffic, and cohesion and integration.

“We have started talking about a kompetenskris, even now when the economy becomes weaker increasing skills shortages, it has not been in the past,” he says.

not only highly skilled workers but are also in service occupations as cooks, bus drivers and taxi drivers. From the new year the new Stockholm Region over the responsibility to analyze the region’s supply of skills.

– It looks better in maternity care, more midwives, who have worked with alia – come back. But health centres and child health clinics has been difficult to recruit to some areas, the staff is worried for their safety, ” said christian democrat group leader Ella Bohlin.

Read more: New t-track is a branch on the red line,

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou argues that security is a location factor for foreign investment company, which according to him has put together varningslistor on the areas in the Stockholm region where one should not invest. Also Irene Svenonius considers that Stockholm has started to lose when it comes to security issues.

In health care said 11 per cent of the staff that they have experienced threats and violence in the service, some emergency rooms are the closest to every other.

” We have a responsibility for the safe care and public transport. In health care said 11 per cent of the staff that they have experienced threats and violence in the service, some emergency rooms are the closest to every other, ” she says.

want to put up cameras and offer all staff training in how to handle threats and violence.

– And we need to make great efforts in vulnerable areas, to build out the primary care in the entire county is one of our big bets, ” says Liberal group leader Anna Starbrink.

On Tuesday launched the county council’s budget debate. Anyone who wants to can follow it in place from the visitors ‘ gallery in the Landstingshuset on Hantverkargatan.