the left group in The house of representatives wants to exclude the sale of land from the public property. The claim is part of a design to a floor guarantee act, the group on their three-day retreat in Rheinsberg has discussed, and on Sunday will decide. The law is intended to include the land assets, including land, in which Berlin is involved. Except for areas that are not suitable for development or use.

according to The group managing Director Steffen Zillich nationally unique initiative is part of a list of proposals that have treated the Left in a weekend paper under the title “Property positioning”. In it, you make it clear that “without access to land, social and ecological town development can not succeed.”

It had to be followed the objective “to organize the ground as a public Good in the interest of the common good.” To achieve this it is necessary to withdraw the bottom of the market, because social infrastructure, social Housing provision and public spaces in competition with other “highly-profitable usages would be systematically at a disadvantage”. The Central claim is: “Public reason and soil is not disposed of: soil as a part of the General interest of the country, Berlin is not for sale.”

Recently there was a dispute between the Left and the SPD because of rent cover

In addition, the Left want to increase the number of public properties. Berlin needs an “offensive acquisition strategy,” it says. As in the case of dwelling houses in environmental protection areas are you proposing to transfer land by means of “strategic purchase” of land ownership. Annually “at least 100 million Euro should be made” available, regardless of the debt brake from 2020.

The securing of affordable housing in the city was the focus of the exam. After the coalition and, in particular, the Left and the SPD had recently on the subject of rent cover hooked into each other, tried all Involved on Friday evening on a charm offensive. At the invitation of the Left, the green top women Antje Kapek and Silke Gebel, and SPD parliamentary leader Raed Saleh had come to Rheinberg, to pull together the balance sheet. Previously, members of the host had to give group in the General debate is already intense criticism of the lack of Together in the coalition practiced.

Self-Opposition red-Red-Green better

But then the Common. Much had been achieved, the marketing of one’s own achievements would have to be better, the group pointed to an agreement. However, the common line is missing too often, “” said the Left-group leader Carola Bluhm, her party and counterpart, Udo Wolf criticized: “In the Subtext of the question is always: Who will win in the end.” He urged the coalition partners to put an end to indiscretions, such as the piercing of information from confidential rounds.

Kapek and Gebel joined. “Opposition there is in this town, actually, even the red-Red-Green better,” said Kapek. “Can treat falls in a triangular relationship harder.” Gebel noted, “the dispute is part of well-fortified democracy” and welcomed, in this context, the debate about the expropriation of large real estate companies such as Deutsche Wohnen. As a result, a debate room was opened, was by then in sight. Geberl: “We need to get this city out of the rent crisis, and are United in the goal but differ as to the instruments.”

“the dispute does not harm, as long as he is fair and internally contested,” Saleh

Saleh was open to criticism: the fact that the SPD discussed the issue of appointment of teachers. Or the fact that the Reform of the General security and order act (ASOG) is not progressing, because the social Democrats wants to negotiate new measures. With a view on the internal political conflict, Saleh said: “the dispute is damaging, as long as he is fair and internally held. It makes for friction, which is in the end a positive effect for the coalition.“

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environment protection and apartment purchase in Berlin “Massive intervention in the property rights”

Reinhart Bünger

the Fact that you want to continue the coalition after 2021 Fort, were all no doubt. Five years is not enough, said Gebel, and added in the same year, to be held election to the Bundestag: “red-Red-Green in Berlin, the beam must have power for the Federal government.” Carola Bluhm, added: “All are agreed on the lack of alternatives of their own coalition.” The Burkard Dregger, the CDU party leader not to stand. “Red-red-Green has no Plan, fragmented and to each other clinging. The Berliners have lost the confidence.“