“The defense is practicing anti-submarine warfare with the U.S.”
“Finland, Sweden and the united states practice during a one-week anti-submarine warfare in the Stockholm southern archipelago.”
“– It is a periodic national exercise where we practice on the defense of our territory, ” says Rebecca Landberg, captain and head of communications at the Swedish armed Forces.”
“the Exercise is taking between 4 and 10 april and goes out to practice at the moment as seizures, for example. Navy ships, an american submarine, helicopters and a us ubåtsjaktplan are among the participants. The military presence tends to result in reactions.”
” We know from previous ubåtsjaktsövningar that many from the general public calling in and tells us that they had seen a submarine if they do not know that there is an ongoing exercise. And it is good that people are paying attention, ” says Rebecca Landberg to the TT.”
“Individuals who are planning to take the boat out for a tour this spring in Stockholm’s archipelago are advised to keep a little extra out for the ships with the flags N, E and 2 – which means”
“– one will Encounter warships with signalflaggorna N, E, and 2, keep the distance, pass by, slow speed, and be attentive, ” says Rebecca Landberg.”
“the Exercise is taking 4-10 april in parts of Stockholm’s southern archipelago.”
“Warships from the Stockholm and Karlskrona, helikopterflottiljen, a Swedish submarine, the devices from the Finnish navy and an american ubåtsjaktflygplan used in the exercise.”
“the home guard and the naval base are also participating in the exercise.”
“Source: armed Forces”