Mr. Pfister, you had to pass an entrance exam, as you wanted to be on the high school?
You threatened me with a – held but never. I came in a roundabout way, to the grammar school. According to a French-speaking country of the year, and a year of a carpenter apprenticeship I left teaching and decided to go for the middle school. The notes in the secondary schools sufficient for transfer without an examination. Because of me, but English was lacking, should I take this subject a examination. I prepared myself together with a teacher privately. After half a year of intense lessons of this dismissing me all of a sudden it is now but without.

The teachers found their services to be sufficient. Hello, in the Canton of Bern. In the Canton of Zurich, however, all for the entrance exam. Which System is better?
For both there are good reasons for that. In the case of an audit-free access, based on the recommendation of the teacher, always favored the children of academics, such as statistical analyses show. An examination of selected extent just. The examination of the print says: The children must prove on a day that you can recall the learned material. What is in front of it, it does not count.

In Zurich visit, up to a third drill courses.
arguments against this Learning to the Test are quickly at Hand. The Standard is that of the parents, the pressure on their children to exercise. I find such übermotivierten “Pusher parents,” in fact, a Problem. However, they act in a somehow understandable. You want to allow your children to simply be the best location. You know, that this preliminary decision, the future career that shapes prospects. But, in my opinion, these parents are advanced just.

what do you mean?
the parents are the cause of the problem, but the System that limits the entry rate. At best this is illustrated in a comparison of rural and urban areas. In cities the ratio is higher, also in the Canton of Zug, where I teach at the high school. In rural areas, by contrast, is lower. These differences have nothing to do with the unevenly distributed intelligence of Academics and traditions. Therefore, you would have to change the System.

In Bern like in Zurich, it, 20 percent to the grammar school, later to a-levels. You under the two systems is arbitrary?
kind of has the opinion, that this Quote fits. It is grown historically. Most of the people sitting to the selection process in my classes, belong to the grammar school. But there could be more, I am convinced of that. Blame an unholy Alliance between academics, who prefer to keep themselves to themselves, and professional leaders, the actions today, the high schools way take you to the best apprentices.

This is a hard accusation. How come you say that?
academics would say that, of course, never open. You do this indirectly, by attending to the level. Representatives of the vocational education and training on the contrary complain in connection with the shortage of skilled workers open to the public, the capable young talent, especially in the mathematically-technical area was missing. They argue that this lack would worsen if more young people went to the grammar school.

In your book, you propose a “Matura”. How is this going to go?
The ratio for the gymnasium Matura is to be raised to a third, and those for the vocational matura to 50 percent. A good 10 per cent would, according to pursue my proposal for a technical baccalaureate.

Utopian, naive, presumptuous, Yes, say education experts, and even high school teachers Express scepticism. They provoke just like?
For me this demand is neither naive nor provocative. But I understand that you can start with the Thesis, for the time being nothing.

“The reality is complex. However, I think that the equation higher rate, equal to lower
level for untenable.”

What they received for reactions?
Very different. Those that reach me personally, tend to be positive, public comments are often critical. I would like to demonstrate with my contribution to the discussion that Switzerland can only be more education today’s demands in the economy. In addition, the equality of opportunity to improve would be in order.

The Swedes argued in a similar – and failed. They came to meet in an international comparison tests in the back.The higher rate lowered the level.
The reality is more complex. Anyway, I think the equation higher rate of the same deeper level as untenable. A glance at history shows that the maturity rate was previously much lower. You don’t want to say that today the level was lower, just because more young people make the a-levels?

no. But it can also not deduce that a much higher rate.
you are right. Therefore, I do not advocate for a “grammar school for all”.

critics warn, with a higher rate of testing could get free access to the University under pressure. Would you accept that?
no. Of examination free access to higher education is a positive achievement. I plead therefore for a moderate increase in the upper secondary school matriculation rate. In Parallel with this, those should be as I said at the professional and Technical school certificates are on the rise. The former is parallel to the vocational training acquired. The latter is like the high school, a school of education, entitled higher education in a specific subject area, such as in the area of health.

your Thesis was so bad, because you don’t give the impression that vocational training is sufficient.
A lesson without professional certificate is no longer enough in the future, actually. Therefore, we must strengthen the teaching for all.

you Switzerland, in two out of three young people, an apprenticeship initiative, education skepticism. In your book you call the “goat Peter” syndrome.
I’m talking to this picture the idea in their heads that, at present, no higher education needed.

This is not true. More and more adults are formed. And together with the vocational baccalaureate, the baccalaureate rate is nearly 40 percent. Thus, Switzerland is in the middle.
Since we are in agreement. The less I understand that, in Switzerland, the bad on higher education.

Where are you monitoring?
Many companies are braking their apprentices aspire to a vocational baccalaureate. They do this because the apprentices are missing a day in operation. Worse still, Many apprentices do not want to take the challenge in the first place, because it is too strict. While developments such as those demand for the innovation-driven economy, or to the digitization clearly always better-trained professionals. The company will pick you from abroad, what matters politically.

you can See a way out?
By just all of the to make a high-school diploma. In my opinion this can only be via the extension of the compulsory education. The already knew, those that introduced 200 years ago, the General compulsory education. The professional certificate rate will only increase, if you will. I’m not talking to a Matura is the word that reaches the same level. I see more of a model, such as in the secondary school, where there is already the distinction between a level A and a level B.

Would, in reality, your proposal would be quite expensive.
There are actually Güvenilir Bahis Siteleri not a cheap solution. However, the way the professional matura is thanks to the involvement in the teaching of relatively low-cost. However, we must not delude ourselves: The training will increase spending further. This is also necessary because we will in the future be even more dependent on highly qualified professionals. The only way Switzerland can maintain its current competitive advantages. You will never be able to distinguish itself as a low-wage country.

we Return to the tables once: high schools could learn in apprenticeships.
The profession of teaching makes even a lot better than high school. Many training courses are state of the art in contrast to the Gymnasium. You need to also, because they are exposed to a very different economic pressure and, therefore, always à jour. Such a Modernisation would be good for the school also.

more Specifically, career guidance and personality development. What do you do about it?
at The beginning of the school year, I’ve been thinking, for example, with my students in the Rhetoric class, why you are sitting now after the holidays, back here in the classroom.

a Rose by the students on their question?
young people at this age to deal with themselves. But I have noticed that many have asked at the Gymnasium never where you want to later in life actually get there. In this area, the high school has quite a lot of air upwards.

It’s not pressure, but Engagement needs. What are you inspired in your job?
It’s about a feeling: Wow, this poem, this book or this historical era! This enthusiasm I want to give more. For me, this is also personality formation. I want students from a pure usefulness and get thinking. Education is always both an end in itself and an Instrument.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 01.12.2018, 13:45 PM