The airport of Gaza was the opening in 1998 of a Prestige project. Today, he is a rest pad for building material. The Palestinians do not give up yet, the hope for a new airport.

The mood at the airport of Gaza is spooky. Planes are no longer here in a long time. In front of the former VIP Terminal of the dogs run through the garbage. In the dome of the terminal, which is reminiscent of the dome of the rock in Jerusalem, emblazoned with a large hole.

The Palestinian aeronautical engineer Imad al Hamm is fighting with the tears. He was once for the radio and radar equipment of the airport is responsible. “I could not imagine back then that our dream would be destroyed,” he says. “It makes me very sad. 500 people worked here. Engineers, Technicians, Pilots.”

Imad al Hamm, an aeronautical engineer, the Palestinian aviation Agency: “500 people have worked here. Engineers, Technicians, Pilots.”

From the Terminal, only a skeleton left

Al Hamm is still working for the civil aviation Agency of the Palestinian authority. His office manages a airport, and there is no more for almost 20 years. From the Grand Terminal, only a skeleton is left. The Asphalt from the previous ramp and the runway is completely missing. He was removed because, just like stones and concrete, the flooring in the Gaza strip is an extremely scarce commodity.

The engineer acts as a misery. But as he enumerates the destination airports, which one could reach at the time from Gaza, his eyes light up. “Cairo, Amman, Algeria, Dubai, Jeddah, Moscow. And to Larnaca. Istanbul. So many goals,” says al Hamm.