You can still be unlucky and buy the toys, which hørmer as a petrochemical spills, so you are considering, whether it is a good idea to let it come in contact with tyndehudede mucous membranes.
So, for a still larger segment of users it is important that the vibrator is ‘green’ and orgasm-gel allergy. It explains a sex shop owner and a sexlegetøjsekspert.
– the Supply of healthy and organic sexlegetøjsprodukter would not be in the clear increase, if the demand was not there – and it is certainly, therefore, the demand of the once all of the types of so-called healthy sex toys, says legetøjsblogger Joanb.
Many of the products used in nature for internal use – either orally, anally or vaginally, and therefore, according to the blogger, quite naturally, we are also in the ballgame is placing greater and greater demands for the things,
Joanb participated in the fall on the main european sexlegetøjsmesse, EroFame in Germany, where she closely could see that the producers put more and more emphasis on ecology and sustainability, etc.
Sex & cohabitation – 4. sep. 2014 – kl. 18:45 of Organic shots at sexlegetøjs-trunk
Talk sex toys in Denmark, according to the blogger is difficult to ignore the webshop Sinful, which in many areas are in the front. As Scandinavia’s largest sex shop develops the ecological and allergy-free so-called wet products.
– It is greatly inspired by co-founder Mathilde Mackowskis own approach to health and ecology, when it comes to lube, intimmassageolie, etc., says JoanB, who has tested the eco-labelled Kaerlig-series here.
For the blogger to play the aspect to choose and use a green product into:
– For me it is important that I am both during and after the naughty play well with, that I do not expose myself or the partner of the hazardous ingredients, says Joanb.
She is sure that 2019 will be the year when more people than ever will buy new sex toys and other types of erotic resources and products from, among others, a criterion that sexlegetøjet also must be green and healthy.
In the context of a blog post with the headline ‘Vegan-friendly sex toys, condoms and lubricants’ tells vegan and legetøjsentusiast Nadja, among other things, that veganism is a lifestyle and not a diet:
‘Why choose vegans are also animal friendly, when it comes to sex toys and protection. It can be difficult to know what to avoid – besides læderpiske and læderhåndjern – and what you alternatively can use. Fortunately, the market is quite vegan-friendly and often there are several benefits of purchasing vegan sex toys. These are more often more natural and allergy-free.’
Tanja recommends both special veganervenlige latexkondomer and lubricants, and wood – and krystaldildoer and jade.
Mathilde Mackowski from tells us that they have seen a big increase in demand for organic intimate products:
– It is both both online at our store and in our customer service department, where customers via email and telephone to contact us to hear more about the committee. Also, supply is, fortunately, also been greater, and we have Sinful also developed several products yourself. They are produced in Denmark and organic, eco-labelled and allergy-free, ” says Mackowski.
– When it comes to lubricants, it is most often women aged 30-50, who put organic products in the basket, but we can see that men are slowly taking it organic. The sales are pretty much evenly distributed over the whole country, however, be the largest purchase in the larger cities.