“The duplication of the detected välfärdsbrott in the year”
“the Swedish Tax agency discovered last year twice as many crimes where people are cheated with the benefit, compared with 2017, reports Swedish Radio Ekot. They go under the name of välfärdsbrott, and can include everything from benefit fraud with fake identities to the incorrect root and rutavdrag.”
“In 2018, leaving the Tax almost 1 000 notifications to the agency of suspected crime, a doubling compared with 2017,” says Tobias Wijk, business developer at the Swedish Tax agency for the Swedish Radio.”
“the Government has given several public authorities instructions to cooperate in order to improve on the controls, and also by changes in the law made it easier for the Tax agency to control cheating.”
” We have given priority to this part significantly harder, so that we have discovered them in a better way. Then it is enough so that we can see a certain increase of this type of crime, while our assessment is that it will continue to increase in 2019, ” says Tobias Wijk to the radio.”