There were hints from the population, which brought the police on the trail of Chérif C., had directed on Tuesday night, and the carnage at the Strasbourg Christmas market. The notes were received on Thursday afternoon at the police station.

A woman reported that she had met in the district of Neudorf, in a weakened looking man with a pale face. Then they alerted the police because she noticed the injury to his left arm, which had attracted Chérif C. in a shootout with the police after the attack. For more information of the two men brought the mug decisively. They saw a suspicious man had climbed over fences. The police circled a possible location of the search.

units of the special police forces Raid and BST scoured the whole district of Neudorf. Helicopters circled over the district of the Alsatian capital. Against 21 o’clock, a police car was there with three officials, the eighth a suspicious man. First of all, you drove past Chérif C., they immediately returned. On Rue de Lazaret, a road in the Strasbourg district Neudorf, the police the man. The confrontation should only have a few seconds time.

Chérif C. opened fire

According to later Reports from the police and the public Prosecutor’s office the Suspect had attempted to enter a house, but because the door was closed. After he was approached by a police officer (“Good evening, police”), turned Chérif C. and immediately with a Revolver, the fire have opened. Two police officers shot back, shot several times: Chérif C. died in the hail of bullets. In a place that is only a few Hundred meters from his parents ‘ house.

An eye witness to the news Agency AFP said he had seen masked police officers race. “Then you heard the shots, peng peng peng.” Dozens of police vehicles rushed to the place, the area was spaciously. Some residents cheered the police officers and shouting “Bravo!” On late Thursday evening, the authorities confirmed the identity of the killed man.

Allegedly 14 shots to the police

According to a report from the “Bild”reporters, will be on-site, gave the police at least 14 shots – a piece of Information, for which there was initially no official confirmation. The police officers were members of the special unit BST (brigade spécialisée de terrain). A few minutes after the death of the assassin from the Christmas market were the first Videos and photos to see where the body of Chérif C. was, half on the pavement and half in the entrance lying down. According to media reports, he had carried a knife. During the investigation, more than 800 security forces were in France and Germany.

The Situation on Rue de Lazaret in Strasbourg after the shooting of Chérif C. source: Youtube/AP

After the death of the assassin, the investigators are looking for possible accomplices and the accomplices. The investigation is also Suspicious, the supported Chérif C. in the preparation of the deadly attack in Strasbourg or encouraged, said the Paris anti-terrorist Prosecutor Remy Heitz. So far, according to Heitz, seven people were taken into police custody. There were four members of Chérif C., as well as three persons from the personal environment. According to media reports, an older brother is supposed to be a police known offenders.


since the assassination, closed Strasbourg Christmas market, which attracts around two million visitors, opened has opened on Friday at noon. The people of Strasbourg wanted to return to daily life, said mayor Roland Ries. The re-opening of the Christmas market will “make it easier”. “I hope that life returns back to normal. But I’m not so sure of that,” said a trader. “The business will no longer be as it was.” The terrorist attack crack four people from the life, another victim is brain dead.

The terrorist militia Islamic state (IS) claimed the attack shortly after the death of C. s for. The 29-Year-old was one of their “soldiers” have been, and the calling followed, citizens from member States of the Anti-IS coalition in Syria and Iraq to attack. France’s interior Minister Christophe Castaner, expressed considerable doubts as to the commitment. “There is nothing to suggest that he was integrated in a network, there is no indication that he received in this context, special protection.” The investigations are still in progress.

article with Material of the news Agency SDA. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 14.12.2018, 17:57 PM