The social democratic party’s former mp and minister of justice Johannes Koskinen stopped the adaptation of pension raise of practically the same way, when the evening press reports Koskinen brought an adaptation pension.The social democratic party’s former mp and minister of justice Johannes Koskinen, 64, to raise the adjustment pension just a couple of months. Nina Karlsson

the evening paper the news in November Koskinen started immediately adjustment pension withdrawals after he returned to Finland to the European reconstruction and development bank (EBRD), whose management board he worked in the years 2015-2018. Koskinen annual fees in London amounted to 171 000 in 2017. The reward is the guy who practically tax-free.

Koskinen to justify the adjustment of the pension to raise his eyes, that he had after returning to Finland, revenue. Koskinen himself, according to his adaptation pension is around 5 eur 300 a month and on top of it will still be about 1 200 euro old-age pensions from other employments. Koskinen is a 64-year-old.

Koskinen’s work situation changed literally overnight. Evening magazine interview (20.11.2018) Koskinen told reporters he was looking for a suitable job in the parliamentary elections preceding months. As soon as the next day Koskinen announced Hämeen Sanomat in an interview (21.11.2018) to start at the beginning of December the writing process and to terminate the adjustment of the pension withdrawals.

Koskinen said in an interview that he had acted ”in accordance with the instructions and in the same way as everyone else”.

I Hope people understand it, Koskinen said Häme Said.

Kevan according to Koskinen did not raise the adjustment a pension anymore at the end of December.

Premium 5 000 per month

Help in finding Koskinen, case close, for the Public and welfare sectors union (JHL) ordered him sote and provincial reform related to the legal settlement. The study price is 15 000 eur.

He has asked for an explanation of how public procurement can be carried out in such conditions, if sote and provincial reform government now, by the way, the design manager Vesa Mauriala JHL’s communications and society influence work area, said.

we picked up this person, who knows the political system but also the legal side, and which is able to make us of the recommendations and the government programme, the objectives of this schedule.

the Study will take three months, so it was completed just before the parliamentary elections, which Koskinen has been nominated for. Koskinen pay 5 000 euros per month, which is the mauri of the sector according to the quite moderate price, a lawyer training to be a formidable person.

mauri sector, according to Koskiselta ordered the clearing work is JHL’s action plan for the year 2019. Survey work is allocated 30 000 eur, so Koskinen makes the job a lot estimated at a cheaper price.

He has started a study in the December side, but officially it will only start in 2019 on the side. We pay him the reward of three months of work under the contract.

Ex-assistant in the trade unions in the lead

JHL has a warm between the SDP. JHL is supported Koskinen party of hundreds of thousands of euros in the mid-2000s onwards. For example (election)in 2007, JHL support spd 113 000.

JHL:n chaired by Päivi Niemi-Laine , which replaced the task of SAK’s chairman moved Jarkko Eloranta in June 2016. Niemi-Laine know Koskinen well, because he Koskinen assistant from 1999 to 2001. Koskinen served as justice minister between 1999 and 2005.

Also Mauriala feel Koskinen well, for he has acted, inter alia, the SDP ministerial group of the special assistant and the social democratic party’s political department chief. Mauriala was chairman of the SDP, Antti Rinne the campaign chief of the president’s race in 2014.

on the Video to clarify what the adjustment to the pension and the adjustment of monetary means.