Anne-Elisabeth Garden, disappeared from his home on Fjellhamar in Lørenskog 31. October of last year. Large resources are put into investigation. Yet this is the status the same as it was nearly eleven weeks ago: the Garden is without a trace disappeared.

In tonight’s Scene Norway at TV 2 is addressed in the family through their lawyer, Svein Holden, to the people they think hold the 68-year-old lap, and asks to see Anne-Elisabeth in live.

– For the family is, of course, the one thing that is overriding everything else. It is that the family want to get the Anne-Elisabeth home in good keep as quickly as possible, tells the assistance of counsel to TV 2.

DISAPPEARED: Milliardærkona Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (68) disappeared from his home in Lørenskog 31. October 2018. The police assume that she was abducted in the morning or noon. This we know. Video: Bones, Rydning, Storrusten. Clip: Ørjan Ryland View more – contact

He tells us that the family want to get in better contact with those who have Anne-Elisabeth.

– Now it has been over ten weeks from the time she was abducted and the family has not received a single heartbeat from her after that. It is clear that it leaves its traces. It is exhausting to live in such an uncertain situation over such a long time, ” says Holden on behalf of the family of Anne-Elisabeth.

750 tips Anne-Elisabeth is a wife, mother and grandmother: – Affects everyone in the family just as hard

Etterforskningsleder Tommy Brøske says to TV 2 that the police still need tips in the case, both around the couple’s property, around Futurumbygget in Lørenskog, and information about where the missing can be hidden.

– About 750 tips have come into police since the matter became public knowledge on Wednesday of last week, tells Børske.

He says that there is a large variety in what the contents of the tips are, but confirms that several of them have been checked and categorized as interesting. These are now investigated further.

the Police have also previously stated that it is applicable to searching in the Go, located just by the married couple, the Garden’s property. After the Dagbladet know, should the police also have held supervision in Kvitfjell, where the Garden-the pair own a number of cabins.

– May have been sedated

Christian Berge, avsnittsleder in the East, police told TV 2 that the timings the police suspect Anne-Elisabeth was believed abducted in is from her husband Tom Garden leave for work until he came back in the 12-time the 31. October of last year.

the Husband came home to an empty house and a written information with a løsepengekrav and threats.

Police have not wanted to disclose how large this løsepengekravet is, but it will supposedly be at 85 million in kryptovaluta.

MARKED: Rolf Arne Letvik (64) is the friend and neighbour of the abducted Anne-Elisabeth Garden. He realized quickly that something was wrong, and is very despondent over the fact that it has gone so long without a solution. Video: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Avsnittslederen says that the police are now working with several hypotheses:

She may have been abducted alive. She may have been sedated. She may have been transported in the car, she may have been carried. We keep all these options open, ” says politioverbetjenten to the channel.

“Telefonmannen” and “Luemannen”

Thursday in last week, went to the police and called for three people in connection with the case. The three were caught by safety cameras outside the billionaire and husband Tom hagen’s workplace the morning his wife disappeared.

One of the people, a cyclist, has signed up to the police and has been checked out of the case. Two men remain to identify – “telefonmannen” and “luemannen”, which was caught by the cameras by Futurum-built respectively 07.36 until 08: 00 31. October.

Brøske tell 2 TV on Monday evening that the police are in the same position when it comes to the two.

This is the unanswered questions