to always be less truck through Switzerland. With 941’000 Alpine crossing, the relocation target of 650’000 rides rides but still far from it. The Federal Council is therefore driving forward the shift from road to Rail more.

With the previous measures, only the displacement goal could not be achieved, writes the Federal Council in the shift report he released on Wednesday. He has adopted a package of measures to support modal shift to Rail. Transport Minister Simonetta Sommaruga announced this in the summer on the anniversary of the occasion of the Alpine Initiative.

Among other things, the operating contributions to the unaccompanied combined transport is to be degraded less rapidly than planned. The Federal Council has requested Parliament, the term of the payment framework for the promotion of transalpine freight transport by rail for three years to extend until 2026. At the same time, the payment framework is intended to be increased by 90 million francs.

More money for the train

Between 2024 and 2026 would be 30 million francs per year. The grants would fall compared with today, to over 70 percent. Nevertheless, the Federal Council hopes to be able to a shift of goods on the road, stop up the access routes to the Nrla have reached the desired standard.

the Federal Council has the train path prices for trains by 1. January 2021 reduced. So that the rail is relieved to a year of around 90 million Swiss francs, one third of the freight, the long – Distance and regional transport schemes. For long freight trains, the Federal Council has also introduced a special discount. With long trains, the capacity of the infrastructure could be used better, he writes.

No relief for trucks

To 2021, the Federal Council has also carried out adjustments to the Performance-related heavy vehicle fee (HVF): The trucks of the emission classes Euro IV and V should not fall in a better category. Thus, the Federal Council prevents, that the average charge for a journey through Switzerland will decrease from 293 Swiss francs in the year 2018 to 275 francs in the year 2024.

With the Reclassification could not be maintained, the existing displacement effect of the HVF upright, he writes. This measure still needs the approval of the joint Committee between Switzerland and the EU. Finally, the Federal Council plans to intensify the heavy traffic controls. among other things, through the implementation of the heavy goods traffic control center, the Gotthard South in Giornico TI.

800’000 trucks less

In the shift report, the Federal Council notes that the travel number of heavy goods vehicles went back on the road over the Swiss passes to 3.5 percent. Compared to the year 2000, the decline is 33 percent. The share of rail in transalpine freight transport remained almost stable. The relocation of instruments deployed and their effect, writes the Federal Council. Without this, according to his information, an additional 800’000 trucks would by the Alpine drive.

the Development of infrastructure, however, it comes to delays. Although the Ceneri base tunnel and the 4-Meter-corridor is nearing completion. The shifting potential can not be exploited fully, because the access routes are not yet completed. (sda/red)

Created: 13.11.2019, 15:30 PM