The streets in Manhattan are chronically congested, now more people in New York will have to change trains to the U-Bahn. The metropolis is planning a City toll, and is one of the pioneers in the United States.
The traffic jam-plagued New York wants to introduce a vehicle toll station is the first metropolis in the United States. The electronic System is to be installed in Manhattan, and for cars and trucks apply. The decision made by the government of the state of New York summed up.
For travel in the lower part of Manhattan should have to pay drivers in the future for a fee. It is unclear how high the fee will be. The “New York Times” called a sum of more than ten US dollars, for a car ride between 60. Street, below Central Park and the Battery Park apply. That would be around nine euros. For trucks, it could be even more expensive.
Still no official start date
when will start the new toll system, is still unclear. The fee should be, at the latest, collected from the end of 2021, in order to relieve the chronically congested streets of Manhattan.
For many of the bridges and tunnels leading to the island, you must already be tolls paid. The new inner-city toll would be. Critics argue that the measure will meet especially commuters from the surrounding areas who live far from public transport.
The money, which will occupy the administration by the toll, to be invested in the public local and regional transport. The USA were traditionally on car traffic, public transport was often neglected. The subway System of New York is ailing and in need of renovation.