students from the canadian and Quebec want to be free in Hawaii, one of the dirtiest beaches in the world from plastic waste. With a vacuum cleaner. What crude sounds, power, marine biologists hope to.

The beach Kamilo Point on the Hawaiian main island of the Big Island dump looks more like garbage because of the holiday Paradise. Everywhere plastic: bags, bottles, lids, and packaging. To Kamilo Point is probably the most unattractive spots on the island – and all without a fault of their own. Because most of the trash is washed up from the sea flow. He has often thousands of kilometers.

But the marine biologist Megan Lamson Leatherman gathering hope again – thanks to the new beach vacuum cleaner with the name Hoola One. This look promising, even if he makes a lot of noise. “We have always joked and said, we need a kind of plastic magnets,” says the biologist. And now this vacuum cleaner is “the most Innovative I’ve seen”. She was really impressed.