Almost regardless of where in the world you travel to by plane or train, so will be waiting taxi drivers in front of the terminals and stations to be one of the first things you see.

stand by time be great for the drivers, when it is small with customers – and it will now turn into something positive in Norway.

the City of Oslo has teamed up with energy company Fortum to build special induktionsladere down in the ground at a number of taxi stations. This should make it possible to let up without the wire for the capital’s growing number of electric taxis, while they still stand.

This writes the news agency Reuters.

the taxi ranks will, in practice, act as enlarged versions of the wireless chargers to mobile phones, as many automakers are beginning to build into the booths on new cars.

According to the news all Norwegian taxis be forureningsfrie in 2023. Other words, they are appointed to go ahead in the country’s transition to more environmentally friendly cars, while other new passenger cars must first live up to the requirements two years later.

Should you believe the company Fortum, has lademulighederne so far been one of the biggest speed bumps for the electric taxis. They earn money only when they are running, and therefore it can be felt on the drivers ‘ bottom line, every time they have to seek against a charging station to get power in the battery.

– Time is money, when taxi drivers are at work, says the head of the Fortums Norwegian ladenetværk, Ole Gudbrann Hempel, to Reuters.

With induktionsladere on holdepladserne can they be visible to potential customers, while they let, and – thanks to the absence of wires – quickly get away when a customer offers to.

however, according to Reuters, the electric vehicles have installed special receivers that can receive the wireless power.

It is still only a few electric cars that from the factory is able to charge the battery without the cable. At BMW in a while be able to charge pluginhybridbilen 530e free wifi, and Porsche is working supposedly also to make the wireless charging possible in the future Taycan electric car.

at Home it is still small with electric taxis. On the Mother’s have for several years run three Tesla-taxis around, and according to Bilmagasinet has Dantaxa 4×48 in the year expanded the fleet with 10 Tesla Model S, while its competitor Taxa 4×35 has two copies of the Nissan Leaf and a single e-NV200 Evalia on the sample.