“The fuss about the new EU rules on copyright”
“the Battle for the new copyright rules on the web are on the home stretch in the EU. Here at home, the issue has also hettat and justice minister Morgan Johansson (S) have KU-notified by the Conservatives for the government’s handling of the matter.”
“– this is an expression of valfeber, ” says Morgan Johansson.”
“The choices he refers to are the EUROPEAN elections on may 26. But prior to that the EU member states and the EUROPEAN parliament decide on the new, modernised copyright rules on the web.”
“Of the week was the minister of justice both KU-notified and called to the parliamentary näringsutskott to explain himself. In both cases it is about the government being accused of not having anchored his yes to a compromise under the great effort negotiated between the member states and the parliament. Yes, that is perceived to be a reversal from Sweden’s previous critical stance.”
” We have had the question up eight times with the industry, there has been a deliberation and a seven information sessions. The conservatives have not said bottle caps on those occasions, ” says Morgan Johansson.”
“He points out that no party has requested specific deliberations during the course of the journey or highlighted in some other way.”
“the Government informed the industry by 5 February. Then was told that there was not a majority against the directive among the EU countries and that it was not possible to negotiate for more changes of the two most controversial articles, number 11 and 13, which is about ”
“– You must look at the big picture. The directive contains, in my opinion, so big advantages that outweigh any disadvantages, ” says the minister.”
“the M’s top names to the EUROPEAN elections, Tomas Tobé, is in its KU-notification dissatisfied with the government’s support. Before the government voted yes, it should have come to parliament and received support for its line. Especially as you know how sensitive the issue is.”
“the proposed new copyright laws have tröskats since the fall of 2016, and it just gets more and more infected, the closer the decision will come.”
“the Battle is mainly about how copyright holders should be replaced at the links and how to avoid that the protected material is distributed without permission, without this restricting the freedom of the internet.”
“The coolest critics of the directive threatens the entire internet, while other opponents fear that the freedom of the debate is complicated, that the supply is limited and that social media will look completely different if the new upload and länkreglerna introduced.”
“the Academy is foremost among cultural workers, writers, musicians and media company that welcomes to get better compensation for the material that is used on the network.”
“What? The EU commission in september 2016 forward a proposal for a modernised copyright rules in order to adapt them to the digital development that has taken place since the previous rules from the beginning of the 00’s.”
“What’s the problem man? The most controversial is the proposal-articles 11 and 13. The former is about the media that produced the materials through links spread on the internet should get compensation from the platforms, such as Facebook and Google. The later places requirements on the platforms that the preview and stop the upload of copyrighted material or risk high fines.”
“What happens now? Both the EU parliament and the EU countries to formally approve an kompromissuppgörelse.”
“In the parliament is the outcome uncertain. A majority of Swedish parliamentarians intend to vote no, according to a poll that the news site Europa made. Several, however, have not decided yet, including five parliamentarians. The vote is scheduled for the end of march.”
“In the council, where member states meet is expected a majority vote for the compromise. Prior to the decision, the government must consult with the parliamentary committee on EU affairs. It is not certain that the government will receive support for its yes-line.”