votes With 67% share of the voting public has rejected in June 2018, a Change of the law on public passenger transport. One Element of this: the reduction of The annual deposits in the cantonal transport Fund from 70 to 55 million Swiss francs. The member of the Parliament, for economic reasons, erabeitete template also contained a Special rule for the years 2017 to 2019. In these, only 20 million Swiss francs would be paid annually into the Fund. These contributions would need to be compensated until 2037. This Change was also part of the cantonal Parliament at that time agreed austerity programme.

Because of this situation, according to the councillor unclear whether the Voters would, in principle, opposed to a reduction, or only against this Special provision. Therefore, it is now creating a today, Tuesday, launched a consultation on the clarity, as it says in a message.

Because of the Federal pay

According to the view of the governing Council of the deposits range from 55 million to Finance the cantonal public transport projects. The sun is also a change in the law on the national level. Since 2016 all the railway would be used to Finance infrastructure improvements to the national rail infrastructure Fund. This relieves the cantonal transport Fund, and because of this the financing of the expansion of the Zurich S-apportioned train.

from the transport Fund investments for the Expansion of Trams, metros and trolley buses, as well as the amortisation of earlier investments to be financed. The long-term planning of the transport Fund shows that with an annual contribution of 55 million Swiss francs, both planned and future projects could be financed in the current scope.

For the planned adaptation of the minimum, however, it requires a change in the law. To check the acceptance of the project, the governing Council now, therefore, in the concerned circles. To on 31. July, municipalities, political parties, transport enterprises, planning regions, transport conferences, associations and all Interested parties can take a position. (hub/sda)

Created: 14.05.2019, 12:42 PM