KATOWICE (Dagbladet): At the climate summit in Katowice in Poland it is still far from agreement when the negotiations are now entering into the final phase.

today was The Un secretary-general António Guterres returned to Katowice with a alvorstynget a speech in front of the run of the meeting that ends on Friday.

I wouldn’t want the grandkids of my or someone else should suffer the consequences of our mistakes. They are not going to forgive us if uncontrolled and race, climate change is our legacy to them, ” said Guterres.

He called for the political will that the world countries to agree on what rules apply during the Parisavtalen.

This is the task of the climate summit in Katowice need to resolve, and is seen as essential that we should get on course towards achieving the goals from Paris to limit global warming to well below two degrees, and preferably is 1.5 degrees.

In addition, there is also disagreement about how the rich countries shall contribute to the financing of climate change measures and klimatilpassing in poor countries.

Elvestuen in key role

– The major political issues are still unresolved. It is not surprising, and we acknowledge that this is a complex work, but we are about to go out of time, ” said Gutteres.

Norway’s climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen (V) has, together with its ministerkollega Masagos Zulkifli from Singapore, received the task to lead the discussions in sluttforhandlingene.

During a brief meeting with the Norwegian press in the afternoon of said Elvestuen that there is still much that remains, but that he is still hoping for agreement before the deadline on Friday.

Elvestuen described his role now as to listen to the various nations and groups of countries, and try to find a way forward.

key role: Climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen during a short break from the negotiations. Photo: Alex Fjellberg / Dagbladet Show more

– It is easy to lock themselves firmly on the disagreements, and then it is not unusual that it must come the initiative to find out where you can get together, ” said Elvestuen.

I think everyone wants to come to an agreement, and we have with us the gravity from 1.5-gradersrapporten, there is no doubt that the world needs it.

“Regelboka” for Paris

the Task Elvestuen is set to lead goes out to all the world’s countries to agree on it called “regelboka” for Parisavtalen.

Parisavtalen is designed so that each country is reporting what they will commit to in order to stop the global warming. But what each country’s “national contributions” should contain were not established in Paris, and it is the one now trying to do something with in Katowice.

Disagreements is, among other things, about how and where the detailed emission reductions will be measured, are counted and reported, and whether it should be the same rules for all countries.

What they want to achieve is to bring clarity in what the national contributions contains of concrete reductions in emissions, ” says Guri Bang.

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Bang is research director at Cicero center for international climate and working with international climate policy.

the Cuts shall be measured and reported on, it must be possible to measure the progress made in each country, and it is also important that the rules make it possible to compare across countries, she says to Dagbladet in Katowice.

Equal rules for all?

Norway and the EU are among those who want a common set of rules that apply to all. On the other hand, many developing countries, among them great utslippsland as China and India, which require a more flexible set of regulations should apply to them.

During a press conference with the so-called BASIC countries earlier in the afternoon (Brazil, South Africa, India, China), were the countries clear that it is out of the question for the developing countries to follow the same rules as resourceful in countries that historically have been responsible for large emissions.

– the Differences can be resolved, but it requires a pragmatic approach, ” said South Africa’s representative.

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– Developing countries do not have the same capacity. South Africa has it, but it does not apply to all. A claim for equal treatment is a threat to the whole process, because there are huge differences in capacity and resources.

Both South Africa, India and especially China emphasized that it is very important for them that the developing countries will get enough financial support.

unleash the power of Parisavtalen

It looks difficult, and much remains, but there is still hope, ” says Guri Bang by Cicero.

– It has happened several times previously that he has cast around and forhandla intense in the last minute.

the climate summit ended on schedule on Friday.

Patricia Espinosa, the Un klimasjef, stated earlier this week that she believes it is “within range to finish the job”.

– Through to make it, let us immediately unleash the power of the Parisavtalen, she said.

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