According to a study, people in Germany are now significantly less fit than before the corona pandemic. According to the study presented by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) on Thursday, around a third of citizens move too little. 30 percent of those surveyed stated that they were active for less than half an hour a day. “We see clear effects from Corona,” said Jens Baas, CEO of TK. The home office in particular was mentioned as a “movement killer”.

Working life is a decisive factor for daily exercise, but because of Corona, many employees worked from home at least part of the time (46 percent). However, more than half of them move less within their own four walls than at the normal workplace (56 percent): “Above all, the way to work, for example on foot or by bike, is now missing as a natural activity in everyday life,” said Baas. In general, half of Germans do too little sport.

According to the study, Corona has also changed sports habits. 52 percent managed to exercise regularly during the corona pandemic. When gyms were closed during the lockdown and training in clubs did not take place, a fifth (21 percent) switched to digital sports offers, used YouTube videos, online sports courses or apps.

By far the most popular sport is cycling (46 percent). Jogging followed in second place (26 percent), followed by hiking and Nordic walking (25 percent). Compared to the previous study, yoga has once again increased significantly at nine percent and is therefore more popular than football (six percent).

The study also shows that it pays to be physically active. Of those who exercise more than three hours a week, 70 percent say their health is good or very good. Only eleven percent rate their health as less good or bad. Among the “non-athletes” it is almost a quarter of those surveyed (23 percent).

For the study “Move yourself, Germany!”, 1,706 people from the age of 18 were surveyed nationwide on their sports and exercise behavior on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse in May.