by The Federal government in 2015 introduced the “rent brake” is correct, as well as their most recent printing of the SPD, adopted tightening. However, the re-restraint in the case of the embodiment, and furthermore, many exceptions show that The pressure of the owners ‘ Lobby is strong, and it is managed with the help of the Christian Democrats, to water down the regulations.

So far, So sobering. But: There is a possibility, at least for Berlin, the red-red-green majority government, a rent cover to introduce, actually.

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Because, until now, has been overlooked, that the Land of Berlin has, on closer constitutional analysis, the possibility of a rental price-regulation, which functions independently from the existing Rent control. The basis for this would be the last superficially treated – legislative competence of the Länder for the “right of housing”.

in 2006 the legislative competence focused went to the States

This right, for many decades, the Federal government was responsible, played especially in the immediate post-war period, a role in the young Federal Republic of Germany due to war devastation, and millions of ways to escape the housing shortage of grass, prevented by the so-called “housing forced management” and the associated Mietgrenzen speculation and usury.

daily mirror people


order was While this Form of strict regulation of the housing market in the course of the 1950s and 1960s to be abolished, was in West Berlin until the beginning of 1988, a separate Rent control for old buildings. Rent increases were only in the case of approval by state Price possible, which verified the increases on the basis of social criteria.

This was, as I said, Federal law. But in 2006, the legislative competence was to the right of the housing in the course of the federalism reform, largely on the countries. The Land of Berlin is free, therefore, a state-owned public rental bond insertion. This opportunity should use it through the introduction of a “rental cap”.

the “rental cap” could be in this legislature implemented

With such a scheme could be defined for the the current price trends it is particularly hard affected apartments in the downtown area – about 40 percent of the rental market limits for existing, but also for Neumieten. The amount of this Mietgrenzen would be analogous to the in environment protection areas, fixed by regulation, to rent, to determine, on the basis of social criteria. The landlord would be required, the current rent for new leases and the leases, on request, submit to the district the Rental price.

A rent, the breach of this limit would be ineffective.

Also rent suits, the owner would be futile, if no exception to approval of the district office. The aim should be to keep the average net cold rent for about six to seven euros.

A courageous action of the government coalition, provided it could be one of us proposed “rental cover” is still in this legislature to be implemented. In the face of growing displacement and insecurity of tenants in Berlin, no time to lose.

Eva Högl is a member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the SPD regional Association the center. Julian Zado, Deputy Chairman of the SPD in Berlin. Kilian Wegner is Chairman of the working group for social town development of the SPD in the middle.

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More about

crisis on the housing market, the Federal Council, signed and sealed tightening of the Rent control

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