“The fight for språkrörsposten in the northern mariana islands”

“Pursuit of the new MP-mouthpiece-initiated”

“Several are willing to take over when the Party will select a new mouthpiece after Gustav Fridolin, among them the former member of parliament, Carl Schlyter.”

“But the hottest candidates do not want to say if they set up.”

“financial markets and konsumentminister Per Bolund mentioned frequently in speculation about who should become MP’s new male voice. Daniel Helldén, trafikborgarråd in Stockholm, sweden, is another name mentioned, as well as mep Jakop Dalunde.”

“But when the nomination period runs out on Tuesday to the committee’s chairman Katrin Wissing’t say the names that have been nominated.”

“Our proposals will be no later than six weeks before the congress, in the end of march,” she says.”

“In October last year, the current spokesperson Gustav Fridolin that he will not stand for re-election.”

“All members of the party have the right to come up with a proposal on the new mouthpiece. One of those who openly announced that he has accepted to be nominated are Magnus Wåhlin, chairman of the MP in Växjö.”

“According to him need to the green Party someone who can complement the female spokesperson Isabella Lövins expertise in the field of environment and climate.”

” We have a policy and a programme that I endorse to the full, but in the eyes of the people, we are only environment – and klimatparti. It does not hold, we need to be a broad party with the policy in all sectoral policies, ” he says.”

“the Former member of parliament, Carl Schlyter, also he has accepted to be nominated – but under the condition that the green Party does not operate a policy that increases the economic gaps.”

“– Then the social conflicts characterise the debate and not have the ability to save the planet, ” he says.”

“For example, is the agreement between the green Party, the Centre party, the Liberals and the social democrats nothing he can represent.”

” I have said that I should talk with the committee, when we know more about the political situation. This settlement, however, I can possibly accept. Then I’m not the mouthpiece.”

“another commented publicly that he accepted the nomination, Niclas Malmberg, a district in Uppsala, former member of parliament.”

“the TT has been searched Per Bolund and Daniel Helldén but they have declined the interview. Mep Jakop Dalunde says that he is honored to be in the speculation but that he did not have any further comments.”

“the Green party’s nomination committee proposes that each year a male and a female voice ahead of the party congress. The mouthpieces who can get the renewal of the mandate but may not be longer than nine years in a row.”

“the Choice of a new mouthpiece begins with a nomination process marked by a free nomineringsrätt which means that all individual members have the right to nominate or stand for election to the post.”

“Usually it is individual members who are nominated, but districts and chapters can show their support by stödnomineringar.”

“When the nomination period ended to start the nomination committee, its work and no later than six weeks before the party congress in may, they leave their suggestions.”

“Source: the Green party nomination”