it Was a murder in the criminal environment? A feud among Caucasians? Or an assassination on behalf of the Kremlin? The Russian, on may 23. August shot and killed in Berlin, Georgians, sits in detention and is silent. In the mysterious murder case, there are now new findings. The death shooter that was as Vadim Sokolov, 49 years of age, entered Germany, means in reality, Vadim Krasikov and is 54 years old. Clear evidence of a fake identity had given it from the beginning.

The identification of the alleged perpetrator is the result of an investigation with a face-recognition software, such as several German media and the international research network Bellingcat report. The investigators of a state assassination, since there should be no evidence of a different Background. The General office of the attorney General of Germany is suspected of now, government of Russia, as the Client, the execution of the 40-year-old Zelimkhan Khangoschwili, who had fought in the Chechen war against Russia.

The murder victim had requested two years ago for asylum in Germany, because Russia is behind him. The Russian institutions would stage a murder, said the former rebel commander at the time of his asylum hearing. Khangoschwili should have in the last few years in various ways against the interests of Russia cast.

The asylum application was rejected but he was allowed to first stay in Germany. But he was not. On the day of his death Khangoschwili in the Berlin District was the prayer of Moabit on the way to Friday in the mosque, when a man approached him from behind on a Bicycle and him from a short distance with a gun in the head shot.

Wanted Killer for another murder

According to media reports, recruited the evidence for an involvement of state Authorities of Russia in the murder of Berlin-Moabit accumulated in the last few weeks. Interestingly, Russia had had in the year 2014 an international arrest warrant against Vadim Krasikov adopted. The alleged murderer of Berlin is said to have killed in 2013, a Russian business man. The investigators noticed that Russia has stopped the international search of Krasikov 2015 all of a sudden. According to investigators, the Russian services are likely to be found Krasikov and for an assassination recruited. Then you would have created the false identity of Vadim Sokolov. After the withdrawal of the arrest warrant against Krasikov for the first time, a national Russian identity document should be in the name of Vadim Sokolov has been issued.

Further research showed that the personnel Sokolov was provided in the Register for the national Russian identity papers with a blocking notice, and that his social security number was only a short time before the murder in Berlin awarded. Also his passport had been issued on Sokolov shortly before. The Russian side has denied involvement in the crime, always.

Possible intelligence background – office of the attorney General takes over

The murder case could get a new, explosive Dimension. According to the information of the research network of the “Süddeutscher Zeitung”, NDR and WDR, the office of the attorney General should take over the process later this week, and because of a possible secret service background. The Federal government should make legal profession after the end of the investigation, in fact the Russian state to the murder in Berlin-Moabit responsible, this could provide significant diplomatic discord. After all, the accusation would then be: state terrorism. (vin/sz)

Created: 03.12.2019, 17:36 PM