early Sunday morning, took place in Zurich in a serious accident. A tour bus crashed about 4.15 PM, against a wall on the Sihlhochstrasse. A Person was killed, three people were seriously injured, and a further 41 mild to moderate in severity.

protection & rescue Zurich, and partner emergency services were studded with a large. “Around 30 rescue cars, 100 paramedics, 30 firefighters, as well as a large outpatient clinic”, says Ivo Bähni, media spokesman for protection and rescue Zurich.

Both militia as well as professional fire brigades were in use. You had to save, among other things, on the Bus people trapped. The large ambulance was used primarily for medical care, minor injuries could be treated in the same way. A Care Team was also for the rescue workers.

How was the number of serious injuries? As part of protection & rescue three paramedics were on-site. But the paramedics have, according to Bähni a high level of medical training. Ultimately, the goal of this as quickly as possible to hospitalize however, in the case of seriously injured persons.

injury pattern plays a role

For larger events, the so-called Manv-log to get to the application, explains Bähni. Manv stands for mass casualties. There are various gradations, depending on how many persons: Manv 0-5, Manv 6-10, Manv 11+ or Manv 50+ were injured. The accident on the Sihlhochstrasse was a Manv 11+. In Manv the push of a button and all the necessary forces to be offered in the shortest amount of time. “The Alarm went off at 4.30 PM, a few minutes later, the forces of protection & rescue Zurich including other partners-emergency services on-site.” The weather conditions were, according to Bähni for the use of forces is a challenge. “The injured had to as quickly, medical supplied and be kept warm.”

The injured were taken to seven hospitals. Why so many? “The alerting and dispatching of ambulance and fire brigade is ensured by the use of control center of protection & rescue Zurich. For an officer or ambulance services is in addition to a Stand-by officer of the fire brigade and Stand-by in such a big event, a ELZ coordinator. In the System is stored, and how many seats are available in which hospital. Also, the injury pattern plays a role in who is where.”

A helicopter was not used. Among other things, because of the visibility and weather conditions, but also because of the location of the accident. “Helicopters are used, if the patient has a advantage over a ground-based rescue equipment (ambulance). This is, for example, in the case of rescues in mountainous, inadequate area of the case,” Bähni.

Video: First request for information, the Canton police media spokesperson for the Canton police Rebecca Valves to the fatal Car accident on the Sihlhochstrasse. (Video: Tamedia/20minutes) (sep)

Created: 16.12.2018, 11:32 PM