the Liberal Alliance will use the $ 3.7 billion a year until 2030 at the climate research

It writes TV2.

According to the Liberal Alliance is the key to solve the climate crisis, to invest in the research.

Therefore, the batch will create a fund to finance research into how we reduce our footprint on the climate.

– If Denmark and in the world to achieve its goal of becoming CO2-neutral in 2050, it is necessary with the new technological solutions.

– Some of them we are close, others are far from. Therefore requires more research, write the party among other things, in its response.

in addition to klimafonden want the party also lowering taxes.

– Denmark has today the highest elafgifter, and it is counter-productive. Therefore, suggests the Liberal Alliance, to elafgiften and elvarmeafgiften is lowered to the lowest level, by the EU, writes the LA in the proposal.

In all estimates Liberal alliance, that their climate change plan will cost 85 billion dollars towards 2030.

the Money will among other things be found by savings in the public sector, through economic growth and increased employment.

the Proposal gets a cool reception from the Party.

– This means that it goes beyond our children, our health and our elderly, ” says Nicolai Wammen, the political rapporteur for the Social democrats.

With the climate minister wins the intention to further investment in the climate of greater acceptance.

It pleased me very much, that LA will do something for the climate. The assumption is that you can find the money – so is it right makes sense, says Lars Christian Lilleholt (V).