“Labour may be the next victim of the brexit”

the “Brexit not only poses a threat to the british economy. Utträdeskaoset are also at risk of to get the political system to fail.”

“The conservative party is already difficult is riven by the issue of EUROPE. Now it seems that the Labour party is about to crumble together from the inside.”

“Eight of the Labour party parliamentarians have left the party in the last few days and formed an independent group. A unique event. The last time a group of members of the house left the party was in 1981. When they were four.”

“The new secessionists threatens to crack the party with its call to other members to make common cause with them. They have already been joined by three members from the conservative tory party. The phenomenon can be followed by more.”

“At a time when the prime minister, May and her conservative party in a spectacular way failed to carry out an orderly withdrawal from the EU should the Labour party and its leader Jeremy Corbyn have a guldsits. Instead, the party has managed to lose in the polls.”

“The eight defectors yesterday in protest against the labour leader refuses to do what he promised at the party’s conference earlier in the year, to push for a second referendum on brexit if it was not possible to get to a new election. But also against what they see as the Jeremy Corbyns acceptance of anti-semitism within the party.”

“Corbyn has tried and failed to provoke new elections. But rather than endorse a second referendum, he continues to run a very unclear labourlinje. This makes his part because he himself is a supporter of brexit, partly because he knows that there are many labourväljare who voted for brexit.”

“But among the Labour party members of parliament is it a big crowd that does not want to leave the EU at all, and should the country leave so they want to have a so soft brexit as possible.”

“Above all, they want the british people to have their say once more now when they know what the divorce with the EU will bring.”

“The eight secessionists belong to the most EU-friendly and are tired of Corbyn just as the prime minister, Theresa May let the clock tick, but to take action. They want Labour as a party should endorse the requirement for a second referendum and force May change.”

“May already have huge problems to keep together his conservative party. She has a phalanx of hard brexitörer who would rather want to leave without a contract than to accept the settlement that May be negotiated forward.”

“the Former party leader, John Major describes them as ”a party within the party” with his own ”inpiskare, its own funding and their own priorities”.”

“But there is also a group of tories who see an EU-withdrawal as a historic mistake that will destroy the country’s economy for a long time to come. There are three of those who left the party today.”

“May has so far chosen to try to save the party’s unity at any cost rather than to stretch out a hand to the Labour party in an attempt to find the compromise that she can never get to in his own party.”

“How it go with the brexit, the risk is imminent that the conservative party splits in two. A fate that now looks to be able to hit the Labour party. Even if the secessionists are not immediately formed an own party, it is obvious that it is the plan.”

“British politics has long been dominated by the two major parties. The electoral system with a majoritarian electoral system in single member constituencies, making it very difficult for new parties to break into. That is why the liberal democrats, the third-largest party in parliament, has long pushed the question of more proportional representation.”

“Bursting both the conservatives and Labour in two batches, the old electoral system are not likely to survive. It is based on that there are two dominant parties.”

“In a recent opinion poll says 41 percent of voters that both Labour and the conservatives become the ”extreme parties”. 59% would be willing to vote for a new centrist party.”

the “Brexit is in other words a deadly threat to the established parties.”

“Only 37 days remain until the deadline for the exit. Still, there is no one who can say what will happen. Most likely at the moment is that it ends with the country requesting extensions of time by the EU. Something that would be able to force the british to participate in the EU elections in may while everyone knows that they intend to leave.”

“Which received EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker to trap the comment that it would be ”a delayed historical joke”. An indication of the degree of irritation in Brussels that the british do not seem to be able to agree on anything when it comes to brexit.”

“All the while the decay of the former superpower is escalating.”