Ryan Zink, John Kelly, Mira Ricardel, Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Hope Hicks, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, Sean Spicer, James Comey, Michael Flynn, and Sally Yates.

All the names of people who either have left or have been thrown at the gates of Donald Trump in the course of the just barely two years, the president has been in power.

on the Night of Friday Danish time chose the UNITED states, secretary of defense, Jim Mattis, then to resign from his post after a meeting with Trump, where the two men gave expression of deep disagreement on the withdrawal from Syria.

Policy – 21. dec. 2018 – at. 02:14 Therefore chose Trumps defence minister to resign

Mattis had earlier in the day visited The White House in a last attempt to change the president’s decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Syria – a decision taken in spite of several of the Trumps safety advisers had advised him to keep u.s. troops in the war-torn country.

Mattis is more, with the knowledge of the internal lines of The White House has been called ’the last of the adults’, and therefore it should arouse the concern of the whole of Europe, he now says goodbye.

– Mattis was the last representative of the group, as the us media was called ’the adults’ – a group who stood for an active us leadership in the world, says U.S. expert and udenrigsredaktør at Kongressen.com Philip Christian Ulrich.

– We should both be afraid, to James Mattis is no longer in the Pentagon, but the other reason for nervousness, it is that european leaders have been really difficult to pull themselves together and coordinate to anything, when it comes to foreign and sikkerhedpolitik, sounds it.

– It can gain a huge importance for us, that the ‘America First’agenda, as Trump has been running – that he now gets much more space to lead it, because the chance that he will appoint a new defence minister in the same style as James Mattis, is minimal.

Jim Mattis, who is a former general in the marineinfanteriet, is regarded as one of the most stable figures in president Donald Trumps cabinet.

In his letter of termination notifies the Mattis that he will be at his post to 28. February. Trump has in a message on Twitter indicated that he soon will nominate a new candidate for the post.

In the same letter of termination lets Mattis understand that he takes his leave because of disagreements with the president.

He writes in the letter, Trump should now choose a defense minister with views that correspond more to the president’s own.

– You have the right to have a defense secretary whose views correspond more to your own on these and other areas, he writes.

Pressetalsperson Sarah H. Sanders explains how James Mattis departure took place. Video: AP

Also internally in the Trump administration comes Mattis’ goodbye to make a significant difference, believe udenrigsredakøren.

– Mattis and Trump looks far different in the UNITED states’role in the world. The discussion now appears to be over – America First-the agenda has been conclusively won in the Trump administration. And therefore it will get the importance that it now Trumps line, 100 percent dictates american foreign policy. He dominates also domestic policy, and he dominates also the republican party.