He was willing to give his life for Donald Trump . Michael Cohen, trump’s lawyer, be a man for Controversial and at the same time, be a sweeper. Donald Trump was his Idol, his employer – and his downfall.

at some point on the way on his remarkable journey through the amoral world of Donald Trump, Michael Cohen got entangled in American law, later took a guilty plea and snitched on his former role model, the President, in Russia-special investigator Mueller. To Trump even more impressive, he changed even the party, and called before congressional elections in November for the election to the Democrats.

Cohen made “loyalty” responsible

Today, the ballad of a man who went out ended, to enrich, if necessary, to slow and roundabout way, and Trump, serve faithfully, in front of the New York Federal judge William Pauley. He sentenced Cohen to three years in prison. Thus, Pauley remained under the demand of the public Prosecutor’s office, Cohen’s lawyers, however, had a more Mild and on a suspended sentence hoped for: Not only have co-operated your client with the special investigators, he had lived through in addition to “shame, and anxiety”, his law license lost and he had been showered with hate.

Michael Cohen had “the misfortune” to work for Donald Trump, made his lawyers before a court. Your client confessed in court to his crimes, made in the end, however, his “loyalty” to Donald Trump responsible for it. He covered Donald trump’s “dirty deeds,” said Cohen.

The plea remained ultimately ineffective, because Cohen had accused circumferentially with Mueller, but only selectively with the New York prosecutors cooperated, fraud for tax evasion, Bank and the violation of American election laws. Against the New York prosecutors, he gave some of the price, another. Obviously, the state tried Cohen to manipulate lawyers and to protect to the bitter end of both as well as family members and old business partners.

criminal reduction by further statements

In the case of Mueller, he sang, otherwise he dished up, however, what seemed to fit. Today, Cohen received a receipt: Instead of receiving only a suspended sentence as he and his lawyers hoped for, is Donald Trumps need to one-time “Fixer” for a prison sentence to compete – in spite of Robert Mueller’s intercession. To stopped a lot of Cohen back to the verägerte lawyers in New York state, than to leave him with a black eye would come.

In the ballad of the unscrupulous sweeper and his equally ruthless Boss is not spoken the last word, however: Michael Cohen can also unpack after his conviction and through a comprehensive set of statements within one year after his conviction, a criminal reduction earn.

illegal interference in the presidential election Now, the former lawyer for violation of election laws behind bars must, although it had instigated candidate Trump, according to the New York office of the public Prosecutor to this Offense: Cohen had paid the “transfer to” and “after consultation” with the Trump of illegal hush money Trumps alleged mistresses Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. The President can still say so much, it was the two payments to a “simple private transaction”, but it is a fact that the payments in October 2016, the New York Prosecutor’s office constituted an unlawful interference in the presidential election. Now Cohen needs to atone for this Offense, meanwhile, Trump and his apologists will continue to try to discredit the Ex-lawyer. Of attempts just to save the prison, he “was not up to it,” said trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

But neither Giuliani nor the President know what has put Michael Cohen, the special investigators and the New York Prosecutor’s office already and what could happen if the Ex-lawyer expands his cooperation. As the FBI Michael Cohen’s premises searched, exploded the President and said the FBI action as “an attack on our Nation”. With good reason: His former assistant knows a lot about the rotten nature of the Trump’s of the world. Also in the prison, and Michael Cohen remains therefore a threat to the President. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 12.12.2018, 18:54 PM