The expansion of the Anti-racism Penal provision on gay and Bisexual comes with the greatest probability in front of people. The EDU is very confident that the necessary signatures to the 8. April to bring together.

The Parliament had decided in December, within the framework of the Anti-racism criminal standard also calls to hatred and discrimination based on sexual orientation under penalty. The referendum Committee “no to censorship law”, which consists mainly of EDU – and SVP-politicians, sees this as a violation of the freedom of faith and speech of the citizens.

concern about “biblical truths”

Because with the expansion of the criminal standard, for example, a pastor or pastors “big bother to quote biblical truths,” said Committee President and EDU-President Hans Moser on Saturday to the news Agency Keystone-SDA.

to date, had been certified 44’000 signatures, 18’000 to lie in the municipalities, said Moser, and confirmed a message of He was therefore “quite sure that the Referendum will come”.


Created: 30.03.2019, 13:57 PM