a long, long time ago, when the Millennium was still fresh, asked a young Councilman named Daniel Leupi (Grüne) in a testing cycle-friendly friendly the long road . The city Parliament and the city government supported this demand. And so it was decided in 2007 to terminate the long road during the day for cars.

nothing Happened since then:.

The car continues to roll road through the length. Cyclists, of the circle is 5, coming, continue to use the prohibited bus lane.

Only for buses and bikes

But now, it goes forward. The heralds of the city Council in its response to a Motion, the SP , Green , and GLP together have submitted. From 2020, the length should be a street in circle 4 (height hollow road) the day by only for buses and bikes to drive. The car driving ban will apply from 5.30 am to 22 PM. At night, cars are allowed to continue through the long street, new even in both directions. So far, the section was a one-way. In addition, will apply in the future, pace 30.

To delay appeals, and the fact that cars do not disappear by blocking just. You will need to be diverted, what will happen about the axis of anchor road/cannon lane/camp road. The civil engineering Department wants to expand it first before you get more traffic. The new stock road is just finished rehabilitating. The gun alley is coming this summer to the series. After that it is road ready with the car free long – if there are no Objections brakes.

Louder, but “acceptable”

for a Long time it was said that the long road only half a clock at night for the traffic to be opened. Now, the city, the buses need to be feared from 22 clock no delay. In addition, several night driving bans apply around the long road from 22 clock. A temporal synchronization is user-friendly, as stated by the municipal civil engineering Department.

the two-track nature, it will be on the long road at night a little louder. The civil engineering office considers this acceptable. Even today, the noise would not be complied with limits, says a spokeswoman. “The new traffic regime will not cause new Exceedances.” The night-time Opening for cars allows for a balanced distribution of traffic in the neighborhood. The car’s elevated is also a matter of the security.

the green Council Markus Knauss holds the night-time Duplication is acceptable. “Thanks to Tempo 30 to reduce the number of noisy single events. This is crucial in the night.” A local resident of long road, says that the car was noise in comparison to the party the noise the lesser of two Evils.

Parking spaces under the floor

a lot else will change on the streets of the langstrasse quarter. 66 Parking Hiking under the earth, closer to the Park house of the renovated administration building of Helvetia square. The repealed the white fields are located in close proximity of Helvetia square. The civil engineering Department is also planning, as the municipal Council required to make the road space around the Helvetia square pedestrian – and Bicycle-friendly.


The long road is traveled from 2020, during the day, car-free night for two lanes. A good Plan?






165 votes




44.8% <p class 165 votes

The left-green majority go=”result answer”> in the municipal Council, these measures are too little, far. According to the Motion, you want to enforce, significantly more roads speed limit of 30 kph, in particular, on the two axes, by the the long road during the day will be diverted, so anchor road, cannon lane, Schönegg and field road. “In the future, the noise of the cannon lane exceeds the threshold in the twelve houses of the Alarm. So far, there are only two,” says Knauss. Tempo 30 in the long street of the neighborhood, to enforce wider, the VCS of Zurich, whose Co-CEO Knauss has filed several appeals.

With Tempo 30 against noise

In the case of a slowdown on cannon street in the Canton could join in the conversation, because it is a überkommunale road. The civil cantonal government towards such projects usually skeptical. The city Council should arrange Tempo 30 nevertheless, says Markus Knauss. At Rigiplatz he had done this also, although much less people were affected. “If the city Council is in a good agreement with the governing Council is more important than the noise protection of the own population, he makes a poor Job of it.”

The VCS has been fighting for years with numerous Appeals and appeals for more up-Tempo 30. The only way the noise could effectively “at the source”, as the Federal prescriptive.


Created: 18.02.2019, 21:57 PM