Sahra Wagenknecht on Sunday night in the talk show of Anne does not Want to told how the constant Stress of the policy is exhausted and sick have made, looked at her once more. She seemed rather resolved as resolved, rhetorically brilliant as always, the hair is apart high, distinguished in the yellow costume, with lightning earrings. The contradiction between the big bourgeois charisma and revolutionary views has fascinated car servant trailer is always at least as much as your opponent. As the Madonna of the indomitable nature of Sahra servant was the car an icon. A Rosa Luxemburg in the new Berlin Republic.

The 49-Year-old voice on the television with Anne Will, because they the beginning of last week, almost everything dropped out had, what you have in the past two years, politically important was the leadership role when she founded the left-hand collection movement “get Up”, two days later, her position as group leader of the left party in the Bundestag. Not the attacks of the enemies, the intrigues and slanders from within our own ranks would have worn her down, said Wagenknecht. The fact that she had initiated this dispute in the house itself and constantly stoked, she said nothing.

Permanent intra-left dispute

servant husband who is 26 years older than Oskar Lafontaine, as a veteran in the art to distinguish itself from its own party Wagon. On the day exactly 20 years before his wife, Lafontaine had given up in 1999 with a Bang from his positions as Finance Minister under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, and as Chairman of the SPD. Six years later, he founded the SPD-renegade, together with the East Berlin, Gregor Gysi, the left party. Sahra wagenknecht, in turn, almost, the left party opened up with their dissident opinions and their oriented except party movement in the last few months – powerful, egged on by Lafontaine.

in Spite of the permanent intra-left dispute Wagenknecht remained the only Star of the party and the main face. You are filled with your Talk, the halls, seduced the “working masses” as well as the young urban Intellectuals who studied in the subway of your books.

With its focus on national socialism, the lightning came clever Economist against several taboos left-wing politics in Germany: The EU geisselte Wagenknecht as irretrievably neo-liberal conspiracy of global corporations, ahead of only the national welfare state protection. Asylum and Migration were not seen as a humanitarian obligation, or demographic opportunity, but primarily as a threat to those native Low-wage workers competing with the immigrants for scarce social resources.

He could see “new perspectives,” said SPD Vice Ralf Stegner, the servant without a car are more than possible with you.

From the Car Knecht’s view, the United States and the Western defense Alliance Nato, not Germany, not protected, but it moved rather in a neo-colonial of wars against poor countries in all over the world. Russia looked at you as an indispensable Partner and a jilted friend, not as a threat. Especially with the criticism of EU refugee policy, she spoke not only of the left Orthodoxy, but vying for the open to voters of right-wing populist Alternative for Germany. Many in the left party felt that as a betrayal of the humanitarian and internationalist heritage of the party.

Sahra wagenknecht, not annoyed with your stubbornness, of course, only their own party, but also of possible Alliance partners which had been obscured on the left of the center. The largest Allergy between the left politician of the SPD – not only because of the “traitor” Lafontaine, but also because of the sharp Anti-SPD-rhetoric carriage servant.

Opened your retreat now so the political possibilities that were previously closed? He actually see “new perspectives,” said the left-wing SPD Vice Ralf Stegner recently, the servant without a car possible rather than with her. The old leader of the left wing of the Greens, Jürgen Trittin, expressed in a similar way. The remaining top of the Left – Dietmar Bartsch, Katja Kipping and Bernd Riexinger – holds alliances with the SPD and the Greens already longer desirable and possible.

The Green move in the middle

Less left-wing politicians in the SPD and the Greens are more cautious and call the pacifist, EU-critical and Russia-friendly foreign policy as a Problem continues to exist, even if Wagenknecht, it no longer embody. Possibly, the parties will lose the left of center, with wagenknecht’s also just an excuse, why it with them in the Federal never worked.

While the SPD pivots currently own to the left and the welfare state ideas of the Left closer to the Green more in the direction of civic center. These opposing dynamics makes covenants not likely that The SPD will stand for the left party, as a result, a competitor on his own ground, the Green is a rather remote Partner.

The most important obstacle for the left dreams of is for the foreseeable future another: red-Red-Green a majority is missing. To 41 to 45 percent of their units to add up in the latest polls. The strongest party in the Trio of the Green, which attract twice as many voters as the Left. Since the car servant retreat the values of their party dropped a percentage point. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 19.03.2019, 14:46 PM