best known Karsten Lauritzen has again been to the keys. This time has Left-the man authored a letter of thanks for all the danes, who pay tax.

Karsten Lauritzen would like to say thank you to all skattebetalere – irrespective of the amount. Photo: Jens Dresling

In the previous week, it emerged that he had sent personal letters to the 100 companies in the country, which contributed most to the general in 2017, and it spawned criticism.

Why should only the directors had thank you, now, when the corporation tax is much lower than trækprocenten at mr green. and mrs Denmark.?

Per Christensen, president of 3F, said the other day to Ekstra Bladet:

Extra Magazine 13. december of this year.

– It would be in his place, if he walked out and thanked the many employees for their tax payment. It is them, who with their restraint during the crisis, contributing to the more than 100 companies at all are here and can provide products that produce profits, as they can pay the taxes. It is the will of the many profits, that is council of welfare, free education, treatment of the sick and the care of the elderly. I think it is just fresh enough to have only focused on the 100 largest selskabsskattebetalere. It is too bad.

– Karsten Lauritzen, why thanked you companies within the general skattebetalere?

– It is, because it is the private sector, which fund our welfare, but if I had thought me better, so I had written to all the citizens first and then to the companies. Ordinary employees are for more than half of the total tax receipts of over 1000 billion.

– So the new greeting is due to the criticism that was in the Extra Magazine ?

– Yes, I was inspired by your mention. I am sorry, that I wrote to the companies first.

– The first thank you note was addressed personally to the directors – how will you reach out to all. It will be expensive in postage?

I put my greeting out on Facebook. So do people go out of there, yes, it would be expensive otherwise.

– A greeting that is a little paltry christmas present to get from a minister. What about some tax breaks and the like in the bottom, so all get pleasure from them!

– It comes automatically on the tax return forms. We adopted several facilitations in the spring, and they will be greater in 2019 than in 2018. So, people get in both the bag and the sack – a greeting and tax breaks!

– it Is not a little poppet with the thank you letters? Why don’t you use the time to get TAX work simply, effectively and fairly?

– The one does not exclude the other. I think that takkebrevene is a good way for me to create debate about the tax in Denmark. I articulate some of the topics in the letters.

– What is the best thank you note, you’ve even got?

– Yes, it is not from the taxman in any case. It is from my niece at six years, who sent me a drawing as a thank you for, that she had been invited to my 35th birthday.

– There are open skattelister for companies. Would you like to have the same for ordinary citizens?

– In the old days took out an ad in the Telegraph with the 500 largest skattebetalere. It was associated with prestige to be on the list. I do not believe, however, that we will open skattelister in Denmark – which is a little too much jantelov.

– What is your new year’s resolution, after recent years of tax scandals?

– It is to continue to get the tax to work better than in the past. It will, however, not in my current period, we see all the results. It takes some years to clear up and get hired the right. So people must continue to be patient.

– do you Fear the emergence of new scandals up?

– No, I don’t believe it does.

Lauritzen in front of his private ’tax Havens’. This will be probably a little warmer in this holiday. Photo: Peter Bridge

you Need to keep christmas in ’tax Havens’, as your vacation home called?

– No, I must keep christmas from my niece in Løgstør, but later I’m also in the ’tax Havens’.

Tax is an expensive acquaintance, but merry christmas and a happy new year anyway.

– Thank you and in the right way.

Skatteministerens new thank you letter

Open letter to all danes

In the beginning of december, I sent personal letters to the 100 companies in 2017-paid the most in corporation tax here in the country. It seems I was needed. In a time where, unfortunately, we have seen many stories about tax evasion, it is in my eyes important to highlight that companies make a positive contribution to the Danish welfare society. They create tens of thousands of jobs, while they pay billions of dollars in corporation tax. Money which comes to the community to benefit.

Our welfare state is financed the of the private sector. And when Danish companies are competitive with foreign countries, they sell more, earn more money and pay more in taxes. Or as the former social democratic prime minister, Viggo Kampmann for more than 50 years ago, said that when samfundskagen becomes larger, the workers ‘ share in it too. On average a dane in 2018 with 10,800 eur kr. more in disposable income than three years ago in 2015.

Since I have been asked whether it would not be similarly appropriate to thank all the danes, who have each paid their taxes and contributed to the Danish prosperity. And you don’t need to ask me twice. People have a good argument, I will be the first to listen. For all the danes that contribute to the community, have earned a thank you. No matter how large an amount is.

Last year beat the tax revenues in Denmark record with more than 1,000 billion or one trillion dollars. More than half of the money came from ordinary Danish workers.

all those who contribute, be proud of. And we should thank each other, and I would like to as the best known to thank the danes for.

Therefore, this open letter to all the danes: you deserve a very big thank you for making Denmark a richer and even better community.

I wish you all a good christmas and a happy new year.


Karsten Lauritzen

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Karsten Lauritzen has been busy with hovedrengøringen in TAX, whose name is being dirty in the wake of one scandal after another. Drawing: Morten Ingemann

the Top 10 – they paid the most in taxes last year

the corporate tax rate in Denmark is 22 per cent – in 1998 was 34.

the Companies have an amount of deductions they can avail themselves of, before they are left with taxable income, which may be far from their turnover. Novo, for example, had a turnover in 2017 112 billion.

Shell and Ørsted are subject to special taxation of hydrocarbon income.



the Taxable income, 2017: 35,7 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 7.7 billion.


Danske Bank

the Taxable income, 2017: 24,8 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 2.7 billion.



the Taxable income, 2017: 12.5 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 2.6 billion.



the Corporation, 2017: eur 2.4 billion.


the Association Nykredit

the Taxable income, 2017: 8.2 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 1.8 billion.


NB FP Investment General Partner

the Taxable income, 2017: eur 7.3 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 1.6 billion.



the Taxable income, 2017: 7.4 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 1.6 billion.


Vestas Wind System

the Taxable income, 2017: 6,2 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: 1.4 billion.



the Taxable income, 2017: eur 5.4 billion.

the Corporation, 2017: eur 1.2 billion.


Shell Oil and gas formation

the Corporation, 2017: 0.9 billion.

Source: Excise

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