“The municipal requires a äldreomsorgslyft”
“Now put the Local pressure on the minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S) on the distribution of state money.”
“It requires a äldreomsorgslyft in the billions – for more staff and better working conditions.”
“– care of the Elderly suffer from chronic understaffing, ” says Tobias Baudin, the Union’s president.”
“On Tuesday, gave Magdalena Andersson his picture of the economic situation in Sweden right now and soon she will submit his vårbudget. “
“She has held that space for unfunded measures is small, but that the country’s economy allows bets where the needs are. “
“”Chronic understaffing””
“According to the Union president must care for the elderly receive a large part of the state pengakakan – not just this year but many years to come.”
“Tobias Baudin believe that the staff are on their knees at the same time as the country’s municipalities have little ability to manage the large needs.”
“– There is a chronic understaffing in care for the elderly. We have asked our members who work as nurses, and seven out of ten of them say that the staffing is inadequate every week, ” says Baudin.”
“According to the same study, considering half of the during nurses to leave their jobs in the next few years, because of tough working conditions.”
“– Then we know that sjukskrivningstalen remains high in those occupations working within care of the elderly. It is a sign that it is so slim staffed. “
“Estimates of the needs of recruitment shows that it needs to be employed some 50 000 more in the care of the elderly in the next four years. This at the same time as over 20 000 of current employees expected to retire.”
“the Local mean is that we need major financial injections in the years and the many years ahead – in a major äldreomsorgslyft, if you are to meet the great needs.”
“It is all about the billions,” says Baudin.”
“– the Lift must consist of two things, first, that parliament and the government to prefer more money to care for the elderly, but also to employers of improving the conditions for those who work within elderly care and welfare in the day.”
“Tobias Baudin write about the crisis in care for the elderly in a debate article in Aftonbladet, along with local politicians Stjernkvist (S), and Tomas Mörtsell (C).”
“They describe the situation in the next emergency. “
“”It applies to the whole of Sweden, both large and small municipalities.” writes, and continues, ”Our aim is not to frighten, but to highlight a reality that we all have opportunities to manage and make something good out of, but that the resources are available when needed.””
“She believes that investing in staff is good for the elderly.”
“– If the staff have good conditions to do their work, are educated and have good employment, it is also good for the elderly. This means that the elderly are in safe hands with someone who has good conditions to do their work, ” says Tallberg.”
“– The majority of older people manage themselves and do not need at all the use of the society’s efforts. But those who need it should be able to feel that they are in safe hands.”
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