“The municipality confiscated 100 kilos of meat from the shop”

“the municipality of Jönköping have seized 100 kilos of beef and poultry from a store. “

“the Reason is that the imported meat is devoid of commercial documents and evidence that it is salmonellafritt.”

“the Meat that has been seized by the municipality’s environmental and hälsoskyddsförvaltning have been imported via the Netherlands, and stored right now in the freezers of the municipality.”

” at the same time, the deal try to get the valid certificate, otherwise the flesh will be destroyed, writes svt.”

“– They have a few weeks, max a month, ” says Johanna Hänninen, who is head of unit at Jönköping municipality livsmedelsenhet.”

“this is The second year in a row that the municipality of the seizure of meat from the current shop, Last year it was under The post on the 80 kilos, and after it has livsmedelsenheten had his eyes on russia’s meat imports.”