Earlier this year, the government and the Danish people’s Party agreed to introduce new rules for the municipalities ‘ parkeringsindtægter.

in the Future a smaller proportion of the revenue which the Danish municipalities have to recover the money for the illegal parking, the ports of the municipalities ‘ own pocket. Instead, the revenues in the higher level shared with the state.

The amendment of the law framework in the Municipality of Esbjerg particularly hard. It writes JydskeVestkysten.

Here there is a special scheme. Instead of printing the p-charges, in the Municipality of Esbjerg outsourced the task to an external partner, the P-North, which is owned by Aalborg Municipality.

the Agreement, from 2014, is entered into, so that it would be ’financially neutral’ for the municipality. It is to be understood such, that the Municipality of Esbjerg is neither earned or lost money by the agreement, but every year landed on a around 0.

one half of the recovered money went to the state, while the other went to cover the P-Nord’s expenditure to carry out the task.

The new rules mean that all municipalities in the day to dispose of 20 percent of gross earnings to the state. In Esbjerg Municipality, such revenue on 3.500.000 dkr, which is to say, that each year must be 700.000-750.000 crowns.

Mayor Jesper Frost Rasmussen (V) tells to JydskeVestkysten, that he is vexed over the matter.

– We are being unfairly hit by that the Palace will limit some other municipalities who are trying to have a earnings on the parking, he says to the newspaper.

Nor Søren Heide Lambertsen (S), who is chairman of the Engineering & building committee held in the Municipality of Esbjerg, is satisfied.

– I think that in no way, this here is reasonable. We have as a municipality, a task which must be solved in the form of parkeringskontrol, and now we are being penalized financially, even if we don’t get something financial out of the parking-charges, he says to JydskeVestkysten.

Engineering & building committee held may now choose to ask the city council on a ekstrabevilling equivalent to the amount one seems to lose, thus 700.000-750.000 crowns. Or you can terminate the cooperation with the P-Nord and in the future cope with the task itself.