A mod of the 5,000.

How can we also chalk out the line up in an unusual dispute between byrådspolitikeren from the party, Mogens Rerup, and Haderslev Municipality with a total of 5,000 employees.

Mogens Rerup has in the past five to six years has been assessor, or representative, when citizens have been invited to conversations in the job centre in Haderslev Municipality. In the extension of several of these meetings, the trained social worker and labour and the personnel manager in a long number of years in the former Vojens Municipality – according to Haderslev Kommune – hung a number of Haderslev Municipality’s employees out by name on Facebook.

It is among other things happened at that Mogens Rerup has criticized the staff’s tone and approach for the citizens and know that the 69-year-old socialist, has accused employees of breaking the law. He has also brought the name of one of the staff.

– I have a completely clean conscience and has done so to emphasize that the municipal employees must treat citizens with fairness and respect, says Mogens Rerup to Ekstra Bladet.

In a posting on Facebook writes Mogens Rerup:

‘All that is in the clutches of the XX, please contact me and take me with you to the interview. XX must be removed from his position. It is embarrassing for Haderslev Kommune to have such a one walking loose.’

Mogens Rerup does not even consider that he hangs out, and he does not believe that it is illegal.

It is among other things in this posting from the 7. February in years that Mogens Rerup according to Haderslev Kommune hang an employee out with the name. Ekstra Bladet has deleted the name of the employee in this copy of the advertisement.

– I do not write anything else than what he says and what he/she has said or done. It is necessary, when any staff of the municipality not adhere to their management supervision, and when ordinary citizens are being slaughtered for years, says Mogens Rerup.

Haderslev Municipality on the basis of several of Mogens Rerups facebook lookup, pay for costs, if a number of employees will lead to civil proceedings for æreskrænkelser against Mogens Rerup.

According to professor of administrative law at the University of Aalborg, Stone Bønsing, Haderslev Municipality, a good cause.

– It is possible for the public of finance libel, which must be brought by the employees, if it is a result of their work. It must be said to be here, says Stone Bønsing to DR South.

the Mayor of Haderslev Kommune, Hans Peter Geil (V), stresses to Ekstra Bladet, that it is the involved employees, which solely determines whether or not they will pursue a civil retssaq against Mogens Rerup. But if they do, it happens with recommendation from the national Association of Municipalities of Haderslev Municipality’s expense.

– it Is not very good, to an assessor shall ensure transparency by, for example, citizens ‘ conversations with employees in a job centre. So is increasing the chance well for all citizens – also those who are in a difficult, vulnerable situation – to be treated properly?

– Yes, and it is Mogens Rerup also welcome to, and he may, as a representative lead cases on citizens ‘ behalf. But he goes over the line when he is hanging the employees out by mentioning their names, ” says Hans Peter Geil, who never in his 29 years in local politics have experienced to encourage municipal employees to take action against a councillor.