– Well done, control group 🙂

– I am glad you are there, it is NOT in order, that there are citizens who cheat knowingly with their services.

– The services are funded by the tax dollars that I and all others pay, and they should not be abused by ANYONE!

– So MUST be the control of it, like there must be control of so much else! Thank you for the good work 🙂

How to write Kenneth Island. in a comment on the times.dk about 5.1 million, Nyborg Municipality’s control group last year saved the municipality money, as either have been paid or would have been, if not the Control group, had put a stop to the fraud.

And Jack is not the only one who welcomes the fact that the municipality use the man hours to find people who earn money while they raise public services. And in an annual report from a nephew to the municipality, you can see three examples of fudge. One of the examples is about an ailing craftsman.

– A citizen was 100 % involved in his hĂĄndværkervirksomhed. Unfortunately, this was neither the people citizen or his or her van to find the address, because the control group was udkørende control.

– the Citizen’s neighbor approached us, when we knocked on the door, with a statement that there was nobody home, because he was at work.

– Of retssikkerhedsmæssige reasons is always that second visit, at the address a few hours after the first visit, as the absence could be due to visits to the doctor, necessary purchases of food, medicine or similar good reasons.

– (But) not at the second visit was a citizen or hĂĄndværkerbilen at the address.

– At every single visit be there is always a retssikkerhedsbrev in the mailbox, so that the citizen is familiar with the kontrolgruppens visit and time of visit.

– the Day after the udkørende control turned citizen pr. telephone and informed him that he lay and slept, since we had been there the first time, and that he at the second visit had been out shopping.

– the Citizen he further told me that he had his van located at a different address, despite the fact that there was space in the driveway.

Citizen had no explanation on why he should need to put varebilen at a different address.

After having thought a little more about contacted the citizen later the same day again the control group, and stated that he would raskmelde on the same day, which the citizen did write to the municipality, who have figured out that cases of this type, where the self no raskmelder when he/she again starts to work, but just pull it a little, constitutes cheating for more than 2 million in 2018 in the concerned municipality.