As the first country in the EU, the Netherlands Tempo 100 is a lead to all the motorways. Prime Minister Mark Rutte called the decision Wednesday “annoying”, but it is necessary to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxide and save at the same time the housing sector and the jobs associated with it. “I’m incredibly disappointed, but otherwise the people would have been at Christmas unemployed. Then I would no longer be able to look at myself in the mirror,” said Rutte.

to apply when the speed limit is set in December. Exceptions will be made between 19 o’clock and six o’clock in the morning, but only on motorway sections, where currently 130 kilometres an hour are allowed.

The decision is a new highlight of the “nitrogen crisis” in the Netherlands since may. At the time, the highest administrative court instance competent Raad van State declared a national mechanism for the mitigation of nitrogen oxide emissions to be invalid. He did not meet the target: to comply with the limits of what the European nature conservation policy. Essentially, licenses are awarded for activities, nitric oxide release. This applies in particular to agriculture, and especially livestock, in a lot of Extension, but also the housing and Road construction.


Tempo lower for the climate – that’s a Good thing or not?






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as a result of the judge’s award were thousands of construction projects. The policy is then attempted in vain to find a solution that allows you to comply with the limits and at the same time, no interest group to the very front of the head pushes. Obviously a realignment of the office of agriculture, decimation of livestock, which farmers rejected with sometimes violent protests would be. Similar to solid, the construction sector demonstrated. In addition, the government wants that by 2020, at least 75’000 apartments to be built.

Instead, it hits the drivers. Ruttes right-wing liberal VVD, which is regarded as the “car party”, will cost the voters ‘ votes. Supposedly, the nitrogen emissions will be reduced by the speed limit of 0.3 percent. It was little, but “enough to save the housing provisionally,” said an expert in public broadcasting.

Created: 14.11.2019, 10:09 PM