They had hoped and believed that the second time wasn’t a succes for Sander Sagosen and co.

But instead, Norway’s håndboldherrer now note that the two times in a row has lost a WORLD cup final. First to France in 2017 and later to Denmark in the Box on Sunday evening.

Already, as the first half progressed toward its end, identified the main Norwegian news sites, that the race was run.

They used big terms like ‘Mareritt’, ‘Udklassering’ and ‘Collapse’ on their live articles. Words, who was allowed to linger long at their sites on Sunday.

Sports and Games close to GOLD-the heroes: the Money, the secrets and the family

And it was hard to find something cheerful to say and write after the break, when Denmark withdrew from and ended up running Norway completely over.

Subsequently, there was no reason to pack things in, which you can read below, where Ekstra Bladet has compiled a number of Norway’s largest newspapers.


World Time





Handball – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 19:19 Nicholas got his gold: – I am just whining

Handball – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 19:09 Lauge overwhelmed: Where have we been superior

Handball – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 18:58 of Denmark wins the WORLD cup-gold – heart-Norway!

Handball – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 19:11 Lays down flat – top marks to the whole guldbanden