“The obnoxious song should be washed”

“Markus Larsson: ”A caricature of a musical skatbo””

“the city of LIDKÖPING. Hold the ears.yet, there is a song that is so horrible that it should be washed.”

“Last week, skidded to a a music consultant who works on the Stim on his own tongue and ran off the road.”

“Shoals guard the copyright, and check that the songwriters and artists receive compensation when their songs are played in public.”

“Upphovsrättorganisationen usually contacted extensively during the Eurovision song contest as the many contributions similar to other songs that have been released in the past.”

“In this case was accused Jon Henrik Fjällgrens ”northern lights” to be a theft. Jojkmelodin is thick spoon with the chorus of ”Sun is shining” of the house duo Axwell & Ingrosso. “

“But musikkonsulenten took it all with ro and said to Aftonbladet:”

“”the Songs in the Eurovision song contest is almost not songs. Many are caricatures of the other songs.””

“Well, give the man a cuban cigar and a marsipantårta. Many of us have been going on for decades, recognised at last from the music industry’s own upphovsrättorganisation. Now it is lövsprickning on the moon.”

“But the Pagan Fury, låtsasbandet who initiates the final event of the season in Lidköping, take it to the next level.”

“They make a caricature of a caricature, or rather a caricature of a musical skatbo.”

“There are many reasons that Pagan Fury not to be in the race on Saturday. The band has partnered with a gaming company, are included in the marketing of a mobile game. Other words, they are a walking advertisement on two legs, which, of course, is contrary to the rules that no advertising may be seen or heard in the tv-box.”

“But the worst offense is the music. Pagan Fury mixes hard rock and fantasy. They dress up to grottbjörnens people and singing about the shields. For everyone’s best and children’s sensitive ears should grant automatically forfeits for the poor and unhealthy taste.”

“Race in Lidköping contains fortunately, better stuff, too.”

“Four contribution makes a reasonably up if two any open slots: Bishara, Lisa Ajax, John Lundvik and Forbes, sorry, the Heirs.”

“the Heirs are making a comeback in the competition with an extremely gammelmodig dansbandsschlager from the time when Stefan Borsh sang the song ”Just as Ferdinand” in the Vikings.”

“Bishara is a 16-year-old debutant. If he puts his number, and his vocals, he can be the phenomenon that this season lacks. And if someone is upsetting John Lundvik is it a larger bang than He Prytz.”

“Lisa Ajax compete in turn with the ballad ”Towers”.”

“in the Past have Ajax set up with songs that seem to have been produced by the half-empty shampoo bottles. In the years in front she is happily the best ballad.”

“But after the conservative smurfresultatet in Leksand, sweden, does not speak much for Lisa.”

“She must really look up for Forbes on Saturday.”

“Or named Heirs?”

the “”Tower” with Lisa Ajax. So here there you go. “

“the Heirs. The song ”I do” is enough lökigt to go directly to the final. “