A renewed German bid for the Olympic and Paralympic Games is occupying and dividing Hamburg politics even before the decision of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) as to whether and in what form another attempt will be made. “Who, if not a Global Active City, can successfully apply for the games,” said Deputy FDP State Chairwoman Katarina Blume on Tuesday.

On the other hand, a potential attempt is already being rejected by the Left Group: “Should the Senate really plan a new application, the result of the Olympic referendum for the 2024 application would be taken ad absurdum,” said Mehmet Yildiz, MP for the citizenship, referring to the rejection of the population from 2015. You can vote until a majority of Hamburg residents agree to apply for the games twelve or 16 years later: “However, that means trampling on democratic decision-making processes,” Yildiz continued .

At its convention last weekend in Baden-Baden, the DOSB decided to prepare a qualified fundamental decision next year as to whether there should be an application and when and with which cities it should be tackled. This includes a dialogue with sport, politics and, above all, society.

It will not be decided until the end of 2023 whether, for which year, with which cities and under what conditions Germany will apply. “We welcome the fact that the DOSB wants to initiate an open-ended dialogue process that deals with the question of re-hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Germany,” Interior and Sports Senator Andy Grote (SPD) said. The federal government has signaled its support for a renewed application.